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Please peruse below to see quite the variety of nice and unusual Parker Vacs.

Pen 3881 J:  Parker Vacumatic Imperial  $1085 SOLD
The larger size  Imperial. Golden Pearl Celluloid. Superb Condition

Overall Grade: Exc
Trim: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: Fine (bright amber)

Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Exc+
Size: 5 1/2" 13.8cm
PRICE: $1085
COMMENTS:  Near the top of the Vacumatic food chain rests the Imperial family, offered 1940-41 in the USA, blending features of the long running Vacumatic with the soon-to-be-released "51".  these are hard to find clean and this one is great. Excellent color. Clean contour and imprint. Proper two tone "Slender Maxima nib. Clean cap with no dents, no scratches, no engravings. Cap closes straight and true onto barrel.

Pen 3887 :  Parker Vacumatic Standard. Scarce "Ripley Variant. $825 SOLD
Late 1933. An "advanced" Vacumatic

Overall Grade: Fine*
Trim: Extra Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads So so
clarity: Exc
Plastic: some stress lines/chippage at top of cap
Point: Fine Imprint: Extra Fine
Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $825
COMMENTS:  Too much background to offer here in detail. You likely can find more by doing a "ripley" search at Fountain Pen Board. This is likely a mid-late 1933 product, around time Vacuum-Filler gave way to Vacumatic, and pens are found with both imprints. The plastic is not the usual burgundy.  This is the (in)famous blue/red cap-plastic, with clear/red barrel, with wider-than-typical stripes. Seen in one add citing "Ripley's Believe it or Not", collectors tend to call it the Ripley Vacumatic, not for any ripples in the cap plastic pattern.  Black blind cap is proper. This is an advanced variant that offers signficant condition challenges in general, as the plastic is physically and chemically fragile. Many pens turn up with the tops of the caps wholly gone, crystalized nigh unto powder.

This one is relatively sound, but it has a few issues. The good is that the barrel is very nice, with excellent transparency, strong "Parker Vacumatic" imprint, and clean plastic. Cap rings are clean. Edge brassing can be seen on tassie (bottom ring at butt of pen) and on clip ring. The cap closes only about 1/8 turn on barrel and with a grumble, but it holds and rests completely straight on the barrel.  The clip is a later Vacumatic clip probably from 1937 or so, while the pen of course is earlier. You can see slight chipping where the clip ring meets  cap, but the clip at least is frm and tight on the cap.  There are a couple tiny stress lines radiating a millimeter or so down the cap. I dare not try to swap the clip for the proper earlier one (I have some spares) as I fear the stress of trying to remove the jewel would shatter the cap top. These are that fragile. I've owned this one about 8 years, and the lesions at very top of cap have been stable. This one is not perfect, but it is well better than average... and I've got it priced 60-70% of a gem.  I've owned about 6 of these total, and had two gems die in a restorer's barn fire. Selling this one reduces me to one nice one with each imprint and one spare with a cap-top repair.

Pen 4015a, 4015b, 4015c   A trio of Burgundy Parker Vacumatics  $180- $615

COMMENTS: Clean Burgundy 2nd Generation Double Jewel Vacumatics grow less easy to find. Here's a nice spread

Click for Larger Photo
Left:  4015a (K): Vacumatic Debutante $185 The slender size, high-line, second generation pen, 1938-41. 4.75" 12-ish cm long. This one has late 1838 date code (around time of introduction) and appropriate split-feather clip the only high-line Vac made in the USA to have sported this style. The double jewels both are striped as is the gripping section (section and blind cap jewel stripes would go bye bye a few months later in 1939). This one grades more or less Excellent. Superb color, trim and imprint. Proper metal ("speedline") non-locking filler pump. Excellent barrel transparency. Nice mirror finish to the two tone nib. The only negative is that the cap at this point closes in "short throw" fashion, turning just about a quarter circle before closing. It is straight and closes firmly, but most Vac caps turn a bit more before locking. Typical firm-Fine writing point. Nice smooth writer and well above average condition. Priced down a bit d/t the short throw cap closure.  $185 SOLD
Middle: 4015b (K) Vacumatic Major : $375: The standard size high-line pen from 2nd and 3rd generation, the double jewel 2nd gen pen ran 1937-1941 with hefty evolution of features during that time.  5 3/8" 13.6cm.  This one is all proper. With 1940 barrel and nib date codes it has proper blue diamond clip, striped top jewel, two-tone gold nib, metal non-locking ("speedline") plunger. The black gripping section is found after early-mid 1939. The bottom jewel looks black but isn't. In good light you will see it has concentric circles of red and burgundy. By mid 1939 Parker stopped putting proper jewel in bottom, instead carving blind cap to a point and press fitting a tassie (gold ring). What looks like a jewel is in fact the blind cap end shaped like a jewel. We call this a 'pseudojewel". Again, all proper for year. 

This one is lovely. Excellent+ condition. Great color. Mirror finish to two tone nib, clean trim free of brassing, and razor sharp manufacturer's imprint. Transparency of the barrel is moderate. Collector grade with no apologies and  with nice-writing firm fine point.
$375 SOLD
Right: 4015c (NB) Vacumatic Senior Maxima : $615: This is the big (oversized) 2nd Generation Vacumatic, relatively uncommon in Burgundy Pearl. 5 3/8" 13.6cm and fat.  With late 1939 date code, it has the expected Blue Diamond clip,  black gripping section and metal non-locking ("speedline") filler pump.  A bonus of sorts is presence of a striped bottom jewel, which generally had given way to the black-ish pseudojewel by late 1939. The nib is monotone and likely later issue, but of proper size of course (no date code visible on it to formally date).

Nice condition though not full-blown Excellent. Let's say Extra Fine.  Nice color. Trace high point brassing of gold-filled trim only on the tassie (bottom ring at butt of pen). Complete manufacturer's imprint and date code on barrel though not razor sharp. Minimal barrel transparency. Couple light use marks here and there on plastic.  Well better than average. Writes a nice firm-fine line,  
$615 SOLD

Pen 4039 k:  1946 Parker Vacumatic Junior (standard size pen). Mint. Flex : $315 SOLD

Overall Grade: Mint/Nearmint
Metal: Mint Color:  NA .CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM/M
Threads: Perfect clarity: Water clear

Point: Full Flex, Fine-Med to BB Imprint:  Superb Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $315
COMMENTS:  Standard size Vac Junior (double cap-band, non Blue Diamond Clip). As mint condition with original price stickers. When is the last time you saw a USA_made stickered Flex nib Vacumatic?  Fully restored of course.

Pen 4075z  Parker Vacumatic Major, 3rd generation  $215 SOLD
Mid 1948.  Black Celluloid. As-Mint Condition

Overall Grade: As-mint
Metal: Superb Color:  Perfect
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: NA
Point: Medium Imprint:  Superb
Size 5 1/8"  12.9  cm PRICE: $215
COMMENTS: Ah, the third generation Vacumatic Major. It and the standard-size Junior likely are the entry-to-hobby pens for many Vac collectors. They offer good size and affordable price. The Major was the high-line pen with Blue Diamond clip and wide cap-band. This one dates to mid 1948, the end of the run.  It is superb, in as-mint condition with superb barrel clarity and with a big blob of iridium, writing a medium line. If you want one that looks like it just left the factory... (polish)

Pen 4040 Parker Vacumatic Double Jewel Major  $255 SOLD
Semi-Flex nib. Canadian

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc .CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Bright orange-yellow

Point: Fine SemiFlex Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 12.6 cm
PRICE: $255
COMMENTS: Canadian Vacs maintained 2nd Generation features a bit longer than USA made pens. This one is dated late 1942. Long Major with mirror-quality two-tone semi flex nib with nice line variation. Metal "speedline" filler. Clean pen.

Pen 4038 Parker Vacumatic Streamline Standard, 1939   $275 SOLD
Well known off-catalogue variant. Size/contour of Major but with earlier style triple cap-band
Flex Nib

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine
Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Bright Orange

Point: FLEX Fine-to-Broad+ Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 5/6" 13.5 cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS:1939 (2nd Generation) Double Jewel Vacumatic from Parker's Canadian plant with some nice features. The Streamline Standard is a well known though off-catalogue model that has the contour and size of the double jewel Major, but which has triple cap-band generally found with 1st generation pens. It is well more scarce than Major. This one has the tight cap-band pattern often seen with Canadian pens. Cleean pen with nice plastic, tirm, transparency and imprint, with a edge brassing on the tassie (trim at very bottom of pen).  Monotone Canadian nib is sweet, with full flex seen more often with Canadian Vacs than with those of USA origin, but which still is uncommon. Writes a smooth line from fine to Broad+

Pen 4069   Parker Vacumatic "Long" Major. Early 1939   $215 SOLD
Double Jewel, Second Generation

Overall Grade: Excellent
Metal: Excellent Color:  Perfect
Nib condition: Exc**
Threads: Perfect clarity: Ruby

Point: Extra Fine Imprint:  Exc
Size 5 3/8" 13.6 cm PRICE: $215
COMMENTS: 2nd generation Double jewel Vacumatic Major is a step up in both cachet and rarity from the later single jewel version.  This one has the long cap and barrel found late 1938-1942 (DJ pens ran 1937-1941). Clean pen with no brassing, sound early 1939 imprint (the one quarter when three different clips can be properly found) and moderate ruby-red transparency. Nib writes an extra fine line. **Note that the  nib is monotone vs the expected two-tone, and while date code for nib is buried in the gripping section, this likely is a later (mid 1940s) nib.

Pen 4115:  Parker Vacumatic Senior  $700 SOLD
Scarce and desirable model in quite nice condition.

Overall Grade: Ecellent
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: amber bright

Point: Fine Imprint:  Exc
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
COMMENTS: With about a year run in 1936, introduced as essentially a Slender Oversize, It was the only Vac to feature a wide middle cap-ring.  Seniors are hard to find with proper parts and in nice shape. Standard barrels and standard nibs sometimes are found mixed in with Senior parts.  By now you shoul dknow my rant about Silver Pearl Celluloid. It often underprices other colors as it tends to show discoloration more than other colors and its associated chrome plated-trim does not handle wear as well as does the gold-filled trim on other colors. However, gems really pop and do command premium. This is one of the nices Silver Pearl Seniors I've handled. The parts are proper, the trim is clean, etc.

Pen 4111 NB   1950s Parker Vacumatic "Jeweler's Band" 3rd size $330 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. Standard Size. Superb Example.

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect

Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber-yellow

Point: Responsive Fine Imprint:  Superb
Size 5 1/8" 13cm PRICE: $330
COMMENTS: I can't do the whole "Jeweler's Cap-Band" lecture here. Briefly...  Off-catalogue wide/lined cap-band. 2nd Generation generally 1939-41. Factory original despite the name. Relatively uncommon at least, some frankly rare. Four sizes, bracketed by Oversized and Slender, with two lengths of Standard in the middle.  This one is the standard-length, standard-diameter (the 3rd size from top), the same as the better known third-generation Major and Junior both. 5 1/8", 13cm. Azure Blue Celluloid. The blue Jeweler-band pens do not turn up often and should carry more of a premium, but esoterica only goes so far.  Gem condition for the pen. Particularly rich blue color. Great maker's imprint. Clean plastic and trim. Nice fine point that gives slight shading with pressure due to increased ink flow (no real tine separation as with flex nibs). I'm sure I've seen in this color/size  at least a dozen, perhaps two, the past twenty years, and this is near the top of the pack for condition.

The pencil is a toss-in. Exposed to light and/or overpolishing it has some rippling (texture) bertween black and blue lines. It's offered gratis to keep the set complete (I'd charge same for pen alone)

Pen 4116 K:   Parker Vacumatic Oversize  $650 SOLD
The largest first generation model

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Extra Fine

Point: Fine  Imprint:  Exc
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
COMMENTS: The large 1st-Gen pens turn up well less often than the later Senior Maxima. Silver Pearl is hard to find clean. This one pops.

Pen 2251R Parker Vacumatic Junior 2nd Generation $225 
 Silver Pearl Shadow Wave 1941 

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:modest amber
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.2cm
PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  Shadow-Wave is a pattern, not a model. It appears on various econo-line models from late 1937 probably through 1943. This one is an all-correct Vacumatic Junior from 1941, the longest model pocket pen found in this plastic.  The silver pearl celluloid on this one shows excellent color. The white metal trim, often trashed on these, is well aboe average with a bit of wear to the bands but no brassing. Nice fine point.

Pen 3886 :  Parker Vacumatic Major $275 SOLD
Late Canadian Production. Burgundy Celluloid. 3rd Generation

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Trim: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Ex
Threads Perfect
clarity: Exc

Point: Fine Imprint: Extra Fine
Size: 5" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS:  Burgundy Celluloid was pretty well gone by the end of 1941, which also was the end of the double jewel era for Vacumatics. USA production of the Vac ceased in 1948. Canada however continued production through 1953 and reintroduced Burgundy in 1950.  Thus, we do find late production Canadian 3rd gen Burgundy Vacs (the ultra rare first quarter 1942 long-Major red Vacs are another story). They often turn up quite worn. This one is in very nice shape, with great color, bright transparency and clean trim. The pen writes a smooth fine line. Imprint is sharp save for the last few characters ("patent" mark and "53" date code). Top 10% for these, easily

Pen 4036-K  Parker Vacumatic Junior Debutante   $300 SOLD
Burgundy Shadow Wave with Star Clip. Superb

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc+ Color:  Exc+ .CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb

Point: Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 75",  12cm
PRICE: $300
COMMENTS: Where to start?  Perhaps some background/context.  Shadow Wave Junior-line Vacs appeared first in late 1937, with 2nd generation style (long blind cap, metal nonlocking filler, streamlined contour) first appearing in mid 1938. The slender form of the 2nd gen pens was called the Junior Debutante in 1938.  They're not easy to find clean, often with barrel ambering taking out the barrel color, barrel swell present from overaggressive tightening of filler units, and weak imprints, possibly in part native, certainly worsened by aggressive polishing. Burgundy is the most desirable color to collectors and probably the least common color amongst the five that were offered. The Star Clip is a whole 'nother story. Briefly, it is believed to have been Parker's stab at a lifetime guarantee symbol, one that sputtered out before being announced publicly, replaced by the well known and more prominent Blue Diamond, all that happening in early 1939 (late 1938 perhaps for Debutante and without doubt for desk pens).  But, also well known is that Star Clips turn up on Vacs that never were intended to be high line, such as... Shadow Waves. However, when they are found on Junior Line Vacs, they appear late, usually late 1939 or early 1940, long after the Blue Diamond had been established for pricier Vacs. We hypothesize that Parker had leftover stars, and since no public pronouncement had been made regarding their signficance (unlike the Diamond, the Star did not officially convey a warranty), Parker was content to blow out leftovers on pens that would not receive the Diamond.

Star clips are relatively uncomnmon.

This pen rather pops. A Burgundy Junior Debutante Shadow Wave it has superb color, super transparency (if anything underrepresented by the photos), clean  trim and a clean contour, without any barrel swell. Imprint is complete and mostly strong, but not "molten" near mint. It has proper metal "speedline" filler of course. This one scores on multiple levels. It's not cheap for a Junior Deb "Wave", but it is about as good as it gets in its arena.

Pen 3348 NB:   Parker Vacumatic Debutante 2rd Generation 1940 $110
Golden Pearl  Celluloid

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Excellent Color:  Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-Tone
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point: Fine Imprint: Light Size: 4 5/8" 12cm
PRICE: $180
COMMENTS: Serviceable double jewel Debutante.  Color  a bit subdued, later plastic filler instead of metal. Clean two tone nib. Light imprint. Clean trim (cap-band will get  a wipe-down to remove tarnish; it is not brassed).

Pen 3507 J:  Parker Vacumatic  Special Cap-band Debutante 1941  $345 SOLD
Off-Catalogue extra-wide smooth cap-band.

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Exc
Nib condition:Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Extra Fine

Point: Fine Imprint: Extra Fine
Size: 4 5/8 " 12 cm PRICE: $345
COMMENTS: A special Vac that derives from Debutante/Sub-Debutante from the 2nd generation.  Debutante has a thin-medium decorative cap-band. Sub-deb has a very thin smooth cap-band.  A handful of wide smooth bend pens have turned up over the years. Amongst the four known colors, I've likely owned about 10 total examples and seen another 5-10.  I've also seen just a couple in Major size.  This is the second best Silver Pearl Debutante example I've owned, and only is offered as I recently acquired a marginally nicer pen. You know my screed about Silver Pearl pens, " "Today they are common and often less expensive than other colors. They are all-told in less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens and thus sold well. They are  uncommon today  in very clean condition "

This one is quite nice, with clean plastic and with far better than average trim with just a bit of wear to cap-band.   This one is a collector's pen, meant for those who-- as I do-- hunt exotic Vacumatics. 

Pen 3333:  Parker Vacumatic  Major "Jeweler's Cap-band"  1941  $250 SOLD
 3nd Generation. Black Celluloid

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Fine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Fine
Threads:  Exc clarity: Minimal AMber
Point: Full Medium Imprint: Fine Size: 5 3/8" 13.2 cm
PRICE: $250
COMMENTSThe so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  

This one is the 2nd size pen with same contour used for the Major and Slender Maxima of that era, though all pens found with this cap-band have Major nib. This pen and the 1st Size pen (Senior Maxima) share the  larger of the two Jeweler's Band forms found in this variant cluster.

A nice writer with full medium point and with nice eye appeal, the cap-band has a few visible tiny ('pin') dings in the cartouche, the imprint is light and the nib has lost essentially all of the two-tone effect. That said, with so severe flaws, it is priced same as excellent example of far more common typical double jewel Major with usual cap-band.

Pen 1849 Parker Vacumatic Senior Pencil 1936
Golden Pearl Celluloid. Scarce Pencil  $175 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:  NA Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $175
COMMENTSEssentially a one year model the Vacumatic Senior- essentially a Slender Oversize- was the predecessor to the Slender Maxima. Pencils are more difficult to find than are the pens, which are... difficult to find.  This one will turn your brown Senior pen into a set. Or it can stand alone as a fairly hefty and unusual writing tool, if you happen to seek a nice pencil.

Pen 3346 NB:  Parker Vacumatic Late Streamlined Standard $235  SOLD
1946 Emerald Pearl Celluloid
Exotic Variant Alert

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Bright Red
Point: Medium (fine side) Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $235
COMMENTS: Vacumatic Standard is catalogued as a lockdown-fill, first generation pen. It is well known that the triple cap-band look survived into the 2nd Generation as the collector-named "Streamlined" Standard, of same shape as the "Long' Major.  Less well known is that while Streamlined Standard seemingly was discontinued late 1941, perhaps early 1942, the triple cap-band crops up again on pens dated (so far) 1945-7 in typical "non-Long" Major (same as Junior) contour.  Most of these scarce variants are found in black, gray and brown. I've handled perhaps four green pens during the last 12 years. One must watch for mixes, with 2nd generation caps on 3rd generation pens. Key is color match (for green and gray; earlier pens had different shade) and cap length.  This one is all there.  Bit of brassing to bottom cap-band. Uncommon variant at modest price bump, as the esoterica thing can be pushed just so far.

Pen 2357M Parker Vacumatic done in Duofold plastic/contour  $235 SOLD
The dread Vacufold. And odd and scarce pen.

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Extra Fine
Point: Fine Imprint:  Ahhhh.... Size: 5 5/16" 13.2cm
PRICE: $235
COMMENTSA nifty variant, well known to those who know.  In late 1942-early 1943 Parker produced some Vacumatics (including odd size like this one) in the striped celluloid better known from the 1940's Duofold series. These appear about two years after the introduction of the Duofold proper. They feature a Vac nib and Vac-style clip of course, as well as a cap-band unique on plastic of this pattern to these short lived Vacumatics. This "stacked coin" capband is not seen on Duofolds, proper. The pen has a "Vacumatic", not "Duofold", barrel imprint.

This one shows real signs of use, though hardly anything fatal. Color and clarity are sound. Clean nib is a smooth fine point. Plastic is very clean. But... the cap-band cartouche (area meant for engraving) has couple visible nicks. There is some "silvering" (some WWII era pens show silver beneath the gold-fill, instead of brass) and the Vacumatic imprint is weak, showing "parker" well enough but just hint of couple letters of Vacumatic.  Priced about the same as typical striped Duofold Senior, but waaaay more rare. 

Pen 3528  Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1944   $140 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color Extra Fine:
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity:  Mild Red

Point:  Fine-Medium Imprint: Extra Fine
Size5 1/8 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $140
COMMENTS: Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost.  This is decent example, not full blown excellent, with barrel color- will rich in areas, a bit subdued.  Clean pen. Nice writer.

Pen 3213 JB:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1944  $135  SOLD
Black  Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: No brassing* Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: None Left
Point: XF-F Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $135
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.   Writes a smooth fine line. The pen has nice color but no longer has any transparency to the barrel. No brassing but  a tiny shallow/superficial ding to cap-band. Nice user.

Pen 3503 R: Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Set  1942  $575 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation. Scarce Pencil

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Exc
Nib condition:Superb
Threads: Perfect claritySuperb:

Point: Fine Imprint: Excellent Size5 5/16 " 13.6 cm PRICE: $575
COMMENTS:The final  style for Senior Maxima. Full 9/16th cap diameter. Senior Maxima in 1942 with start of the third generation of Vacs, became single jewel and adopted the thinner style cap-band of the Major. These actually are well more scarce than 1937-1941 double jewel Maximas; my hypothesis is that with the appearance of the Parker "51", many customers who had been willing  to spring $10 for the Maxima, were willing to pop an extra $2.50 to get the brand new "51".  Pencils are more scarce still, and in 14 years hunting Vacs, I've seen just 3-4 silver pearl late Maxmia pencils.  Clean plastic, superb transparency, sharp manufacturer's imprint.  The pen has the chromed metal non-locking filler sometimes seen on early single jewel Maximas.    I will have to replace the pencil's top jewel before shipping (has  a chip, but is a replaceable part). Pen has light wear to the fragile chrome trim.  Neat set.

Pen 3879 :  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxims. Burgundy $475 SOLD

Overall Grade: Fine
Trim: Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: Exc+

Point: Med Imprint: Extra Fine
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $475
COMMENTS:  A big fat burgundy Vac.  Barrel is very nice. Cap has some brassing to lower edge, some scratches on band and on barrel lip. I had planned to do a (kosher) parts swap putting cap on a weaker barrel, a better cap on this barrel and aiming for a gem and a user. Unfortunately I brought this freshly restored pen with me to the SF Pen Show in August, and someone had to have it.

Pen 3882 R:  Parker Vacumatic Oversize $750 Sold
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. Superb Condition

Overall Grade: Exc +
Trim: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: NA
Point: Med Imprint: Ex
Size: 5 3/8" 13.8cm
PRICE: $750 Sold
COMMENTS:  The big first generation Vacumatic. This one pops. Minimal signs of use. Superb barrel clarity. Razor sharp imprint. The works. Small barrel personalization is shown in window. This one I fear was claimed at the SF Pen Show last month, and thus didn't make it to the website update unsold. Sorry on that.

Pen 3888 :  Parker Vacumatic Standard. 1st Generation $350
Burgundy Pearl Celluoid. Amazing Barrel Transparency

Overall Grade: Nearmint** (see below)
Trim: Perfect Color:  Superb
Nib condition: NM
Threads Perfect
clarity: As mint

Point: F-M Imprint: Superb
Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $350
COMMENTS:  A pen which shows why these sold well in their day. Water clear barrel clarity and little to no sign of use. There is an internal barrel scratch shown in the inset pic, probably from someone scraping out the old sac. In an opaque pen this would not be visible. So it goes. I dropped the price in view of this imperfection. This one sold at the SF Pen Show and didn't make it to the  website update.

Pen 3897 :  Parker Vacumatic Junior. 1940 $300
Double Jewel. Silver Pearl Celluloid. Full Flex nib.

Overall Grade: Exc+
Trim: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: Fine

Point: Fine full Flex Imprint: Exc
Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm
PRICE: $300
COMMENTS:  Unusually well preserved Silver Pearl 2nd Gen Vacumatic additionally graced with a rare full-flex nib.  This one I fear sold at the SF pen show before I could list it as available on the website update.

Pen 3883 :  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima $415 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid. 1940

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Trim: Extra Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: Gone

Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Excellent
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $415
COMMENTS:  The large 2nd Generation Vacumatic.Lot of good points and couple things that keep it from excellent. Color is great. Trim overall quite clean with high point edge brassing and pin dings on the blind cap ring (tassie) at butt of pen.  Imprint is razor sharp. Has proper jewels (striped top and target bottom 'pseudojewel'). Smooth fine-med point, the nib is monotone, lacking the expected two tone effect. Though barrel color is great, there is no transparency left, likely the result of ink having been left in it 40 years before its recent restoration.  The plastic is clean save for presence of one tiny (one millimeter) flea-bit/toothmark about 1/3 the way back from the gripping section. You will have to look to find it. Nice eye appeal and sound writer with no fatal flaws, but not formally in gem condition.

Pen 3896 :  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima. 1940 $395 SOLD
 2nd Generation Vacumatic. Double Jewel. Jet Black Celluloid

Overall Grade: Fine
Trim: Extra Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: VG
Threads Fine
clarity: Fine

Point: Plump Medium+ Imprint: Very Good
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $395
COMMENTS:  The big Vacumatic from the 2nd Generation. This one has moderate wear and certainly is not full excellent, but it lacks any fatal falws that would reduce it to mere user, though it is very usable.  The palstic is clean. Imprint is light not sharp. Nib has some two-tone effect but has some light buffing marks next to right side fo arrow. High point brassing can be seen on tassie (blind cap bottom ring-- you can see in the pic) and more modestly at top of clip ring. The bottom tassie spins if twisted.  Cap closes straight and true, but a bit low on the barrel threads, turning about 1/3 around before locking well.  No cracks. The big gold-filled cap-band is clean. Pen has decent eye appeal.  Writing is gem. The pen has a plump tip and writes a nice wet medium to medium plus bold "signature" line. Fun pen to use.

Pen 3885 :  Parker Vacumatic Major $350 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. Mint, Stickered.

Overall Grade: As Mint
Trim: Perfect Color:  Perfect
Nib condition: Perfect
Threads Perfect
clarity: Water clear

Point: F Imprint: Mint
Size: 5" 12.9cm
PRICE: $350
COMMENTS:  Freshly restored in as-mint condition (no ink showed on dip testing), with original sticker pair. Glorious color and transparency. 3rd generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are the models I often recommend as starter Vacs. Good size. Reasonable Price. This one is a bit more loftily priced, as 99% or more of pens found are not in this condition. Unfortunately, this one sold from my case at the SF Pen Show this month before it could get to the website.

Pen 3910 :  Parker Vacumatic Major $1285 SOLD
Scarce "Vacumatic Cap-band" early Major. 2nd Generation. 1937

Overall Grade: Excellent
Trim: Superb Color:  Superb
Nib condition: Exc
Threads Perfect
clarity: Moderate Amber

Point: Med Imprint: Exc
Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm
PRICE: $1285
COMMENTS:  The  "Vacumatic cap-band" early 1937 Vacumatics are among the most desirable Vacumatic clusters found. Shown on the 1937 catalogue cover but not inside, this cap-band was used briefly in 1937, at the start of the 2nd Generation for this series. Note the triple-stack tassie at bottom of blind cap, seen only with these early standard diameter Majors, shared in contour with the 1933-1934 chrome-plated tassies found on the Vacumatic thermometer case. This example pops. Plastic is clean, imprint is sharp, trim is superb. The two tone nib has mirror finish. Transparency is reasonable, a bright amber, but not water clear. The blind cap's contour suggest one side was slightly polished. This one is at least as  nice as the example in my personal collection

Pen 3589 M: Parker Vacumatic Junior Debutante  $195  SOLD
Silver Pearl Shadow Wave Celluloid 1938 

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Fine-XF Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition:  Extra Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA Plastic: Exc
Point:  Fine Imprint:  Excellent
Size5 5/8" 11.8 cm PRICE$195
COMMENTSIn Parker catalogues, the Junior Debutante (the smaller of  the two Shadow-wave pens from the 2nd generation) was introduced in 1938. The name gave way in 1939 to Sub-Deb and in 1939 Parker introduced a different Sub-Deb in the conventional hooped plastic with thinner smooth cap-ring. The Shadow-Wave pen though would continue (uncatalogued) through 1942.    To put forth an old meme about gray 1930's pens:

"Today they are common and often less expensive than other colors. They are all-told in less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens and thus sold well. They are  uncommon today  in very clean condition "

This one is a quite decent example in Silver Pearl celluloid. Tassie shows moderate wear (the ring at bottom of pen). The cap ring and clip show light wear. Color is excellent.

Pen 1829 Parker Vacumatic Junior. Larger Size.  1st Generation 1935 Sold
Mottled Silver Pearl Celluloid  $325 

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc+
Point:  Fine-XF Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 7/8"
PRICE: $325  Sold
COMMENTSToday often bedeviled by heavy ambering and wear to that unpolishable white trim, the collector does not have an easy job finding crisp early mottled Vacumatic Juniors.  But, when found, they make a for pleasant acquisitions.   This one has great color and stunning barrel clarity. It has the atypcial "lateral" date code seen often on fourth quarter 1935 pens.  There is a bit of brassing only to bottom tassie. Clip and bands are remarkably clean.

Pen 3584 M: Parker Vacumatic "Long" Major (Double Jewel) 1938*  $150 SOLD
Jet Black Celluloid. Mild Parts Mix. Clean but consider a User.

Overall Grade: Exc.
Metal: exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Excellent/Ambered
Plastic: Exc
Point:  XF-F
Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.5cm
COMMENTSDouble Jewel Majors ran 1937-1941,  with longer pens made late 1938-1941, vs 1937-8.  This one has proper long cap and barrel, proper double jewel, proper metal filling unit. The blue diamond clip probably dates to early 1939+, and can be considered a modest parts mix (feather clips can be had but I've had limited time to explore the parts boxes lately). The nib either has lost original two-tone effect or also is a later nib, as it is monotone (date code not visible on nib).  Clean pen smooth point. Nice look. Entry level to a clean appearing "long" double jewel major, if you can live with the issue cited.

Pen 3593  M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $235 Sold

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA Plastic: clean
Point:  Flex Med Imprint:  Exc Size5 3/8" 13.6cm PRICE$235 sold
COMMENTS:   Double Jewel Vacumatic Major was manufactured 1937-1941 and offered frantic evolutionary tweaks. One must watch for mixes. This one is a proper pen a bit longer than 1937-1938 and 1943-1948 pens, what we tend thus to call a "long" Major. It is a step up from the typical starter Vac for collectors, that being the single jewel Major and Junior from 1942-8. Parts all are proper and period correct (a great deal of evolution occurred 1937-41).  Two tone nib, Striped top jewel, black (correct) bottom pseudojewel (the blind cap itself, lathed to a point).

Metal plunger has a spot of corrosion that does not affect function and which of course is not visible with blind cap in place.

Pen 3224 J:  Parker Vacumatic SENIOR. 1st Gen 1936 $700 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Strong Red
Point: Fine-MEd Imprint:  Fine Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $700
COMMENTS: Senior (not to be confused for Senior Maxima or Vacuum-Filler Senior) is a "one-year" model essentially a Slender Oversize and predecessor no doubt to the following year's Slender Maxima. A standard-girth pen with longer parts than the Standard, with greater streamlining at the ends, the hallmark finding is the wide middle cap-band, the only three-band vacumatic to sport such a finding. An oversized nib and feed are stuffed into a standadr size gripping section. Often these are found with replacement later smaller Major nibs.

 A quite nice example. The pencil is more rare than the pen (as is typical for most vintage writing instruments).

Imprint complete but light in places. Nib writes a smooth fine-medium line. Two-tone nib effect is light and partial.

Pen 3585 R:  Parker Vacumatic Standard 1st generation  $250 SOLD
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. 1937

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads:  Exc
clarity:  Moderate AMber
Plastic: Clean
Point:  Fine Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9 cm PRICE$250
COMMENTS:   I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band. Burgundy is considered a "better" color.

Overall Extra-Fine condition. This one has all proper pieces, striped double end jewels, striped section, two tone nib. The nib writes a quite smooth fine line (noting the chunky iridium suggests "medium", but I must go with what it puts on paper). The nib has lost most of the two tone effect, rendering it nearly monotone. The plastic is quite clean, though barrel  has been personalized (neatly), "SW"

Pen 3591 M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $165  SOLD
Emerald Pearl. 3rd Generation. 1945  (relatively uncommon seamed-plastic barrel variant)

Overall Grade: Excellent
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:  moderate amber
Plastic: Exc
Point:  Fine
Imprint: Exc
Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE$165 SOLD
COMMENTSVacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one. This 2nd-quarter 1945 pen has a feature found on at least some   1945-early 1946 Vacs, a seamed plastic variant, indicating the barrel was made by wrapping sheet stock rather than boring a rod, an esoteric finding that charms collectors.

Pen 3592  M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $155  SOLD
Emerald Pearl.

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Extra Fine
Nib condition: NM
Threads: Perfect clarity :mild amber

Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $225
COMMENTS Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one.  This 2nd-quarter 1945 pen has a feature found on at least some   1945-early 1946 Vacs, a seamed plastic variant, indicating the barrel was made by wrapping sheet stock rather than boring a rod, an esoteric finding that charms collectors.  In fact this one has seamed plastic cap AND barrel, which is found on a further minority of pens.  Clean metal, sharp "Parker" Imprint, scattered light marks noted on barrel plastic.

Pen 3781 Z : Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima   $930 Sold
Azure Blue Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade: Excellent
Trim: Excellent Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb

Point:  Medium
Imprint: Excellent Size: 5 3/8" 13.5cm
PRICE: $930
COMMENTS: The big boy of the last couple generations of Vacumatic, Azure Blue is the  difficult Senior Maxima color, manufactured double jewel just 18 months vs 5 years for other colors.  A quite tough to find Vacumatic.

This is the nicest example I've offered for sale during  >15 years selling pens online.  Great color and transparency (not shown in pic with dark background). No brassing. Two tone nib has the original reflective (not frosty with use) finish. Sweet Medium point (fine side of full medium)

Pen 3212 JB:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation, 1945  $165   SOLD
Golden Pearl  Celluloid. Variant "seamed" plastic. Vacsoterica alert.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mild  Red
Point: Medium Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $365
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  Seamed (wrapped, not typical bored) plastic seems to have been tried in late 1945-e arly 1946. Found sometimes just on cap or just on barrel, this one has both, a nice match. Nib is more plump than the typical Vac nib, pushing full Medium.

Pen 3583 R:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima $440 SOLD
1940. Golden Pearl Celluloid. A particularly smooth writer

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal:  Extra Fine Color:  Excellent CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Minimal
Plastic: Clean
Point:  Fine-Med (nearly full Med)
Imprint:  Very Sharp
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
COMMENTSThe big boy of the 2nd Generation of Vacumatics, with two tone nib, double end jewels.  This one has a  a couple light pin dings to cap-band and edge brassing on the tassie (bottom ring at but of pen), which you can see in the photo. It has proper and clean two-tone Maxima nib and has excellent plastic color, though onlly minimal transparency left. It has the proper metal non-locking filler unit. The proper bottom "target" black pseudo-jewel at bottom of pen, but top jewel is a a slightly later black jewel instead of expected striped jewel.  With a nice sharp manufacturer's imprint, with clean bright plastic and with a remarkably smooth point, this one will make an excellent user with decent grade. It just will not make claims to "near mint".

Pen 3495  Parker Vacumatic "Long" Major SIlver Pearl  1939  $315 SOLD
Special Nib. Medium-Broad True Stub. Adjusted for smoothness and flow by Michael Masuyama

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color: Exc
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point:  Med-Broad Full Stub Imprint: Exc Size5 3/8 " 13.6 cm PRICE: $315
COMMENTSThe Vacumatic Major suffered frequent evolutionary tweaks, and knowing what's what takes some practice.   You probably know my screed on Silver Pearl pens from the 1930's from most makers.  Today they are  more common and often less expensive than other colors. Generally they see  less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because-- unlike gold-filled trim--  the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens.  When you see one clean, it all makes sense.  When gems turn up, then tend to command a premium.

This one has great color and clean trim. Nice bright yellow barrel clarity.  Correct for date it has striped top and bottom jewels, blue diamond clip, black gripping section and two-tone nib. The plunger filler is of slightly later (though less finicky) 1942+ plastic, rather than metal.

The nib has lost most of the two tone effect. The nib is special.   USA-made Vac nibs overwelmingly are fine and medium points.  Full Stub (thin cross stroke, fat down stroke)  points are fewer than one in a hundred. Note that the line showing on the distal left tine was just a bit of thread. There is no scratch there.  A scarce nib grade in a grand example of the pen.  I had the nib adjusted by Michael Masuyama for optimal function. Crisp pen and great writer. If I get around to it, I'll post a writing sample

Pen 3497  Parker Vacumatic Major  $245 SOLD
3rd Generation. 1948. Special Nib, tweaked by nib-meister MIchael Masuyama.

Overall Grade:  Nearmint
Metal: Nearmint Color: Perfect
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Perfect
Point:  M-B-- to-- BB+  semi-flex Imprint: Perfect Size5 1/16 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $245
COMMENTSThe standard sized, 3rd generation Vacumatic Major and Junior make excellent "first Vacs", combining size and reasonable price point. This one looks as-mint, but has been inked.  Perfect barrel clarity,etc. It also packs a one-in-a-hundred plump  semi-flex nib (most Vacs have firm fine or medium).  I had the nib adjusted by MIchael Masuyama for optimal function. Writes  a wet bold line. If I get chance, I'll post a writing sample.

Pen 3536  Parker Vacumatic Major. Canadian  $260 SOLD
Azure Pearl Celluloid. Broad Semi-Flex NIb

Overall Grade: XF
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:     Mild
Plastic: Exc
Point:  Broad+ Flex
Imprint:  XF
Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
COMMENTSMajor and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Canadian Vacs more frequently offered exotic points, instead of the usual XF-F and F-M sort overwhelmingly found with pen from the USA. This one has a bit of a monster nib.

Pen 3582 mf:  Parker Vacumatic Major 1946  $225 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Essentially Mint Condition. Superb Clarity

Overall Grade: NM-M
Metal: clean Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM-M
Threads: Perfect clarity :Superb
Point: Fine Imprint: Perfect Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $240
COMMENTS   Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost.

You know my screed about Silver Pearl pens,  "Today they are common and often less expensive than other colors. They are all-told in less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens and thus sold well. They are  uncommon today  in very clean condition "

 This one arrived to me still with price sticker residue next to the clip .  The pen looked to have been dipped but not much else.  Remarkable barrel clarity.  Note  there is one speck  of flaking of the chrome trim on the cap-band (the tiny dark round lesion showing near left edge of cap-band in photo, for which I dropped price $30)

Pen 3607 M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $155 SOLD
Azure Pearl. 1945

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Plastic: Barrel stress cracks
Point:  Fine
Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
COMMENTS  Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one.  Nice smooth fine point.

Pen 3590 M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $150  SOLD
3rd Generation. Emerald Pearl. 1945. (relatively uncommon seamed-plastic barrel variant)

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mild Yellow

Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $150
COMMENTS Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one. Note the nib has clean and proper Parker markings. It caught a bit too much light in the photo, washing out details. Clean plastic. Couple light marks and hint of edge brassing to cap-band. This 4th-quarter 1945 pen has a feature found on at least some   1945-early 1946 Vacs, a seamed plastic variant, indicating the barrel was made by wrapping sheet stock rather than boring a rod, an esoteric finding that charms collectors.

Pen 3583 R:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima $440 SOLD
1940. Golden Pearl Celluloid. A particularly smooth writer

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal:  Extra Fine Color:  Excellent CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Minimal
Plastic: Clean
Point:  Fine-Med (nearly full Med)
Imprint:  Very Sharp
Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
COMMENTSThe big boy of the 2nd Generation of Vacumatics, with two tone nib, double end jewels.  This one has a  a couple light pin dings to cap-band and edge brassing on the tassie (bottom ring at but of pen), which you can see in the photo. It has proper and clean two-tone Maxima nib and has excellent plastic color, though onlly minimal transparency left. It has the proper metal non-locking filler unit. The proper bottom "target" black pseudo-jewel at bottom of pen, but top jewel is a a slightly later black jewel instead of expected striped jewel.  With a nice sharp manufacturer's imprint, with clean bright plastic and with a remarkably smooth point, this one will make an excellent user with decent grade. It just will not make claims to "near mint".

Pen 3597  M: Parker Vacumatic (standard size) Junior   $185 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. Pen Pencil pair.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity :NA
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $185
COMMENTS: Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost.  Azure blue is the high-cachet  color for USA third generation production. This one is quite nice.  The double cap-bands are in great shape, a key thing as this is a common weak point to this model. The is a smidge of brassing on the clip ball of the pen (visible in the photo). The pen dates to 1947, the pencil to 1940, but is a proper model match to the pen so I tossed it in as a set for well less than I'd ask if offered separately.

Pen 3536  Parker Vacumatic Major. Canadian  $260 SOLD
Azure Pearl Celluloid. Broad Semi-Flex NIb

Overall Grade: XF
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:     Mild
Plastic: Exc
Point:  Broad+ Flex
Imprint:  XF
Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
COMMENTSMajor and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Canadian Vacs more frequently offered exotic points, instead of the usual XF-F and F-M sort overwhelmingly found with pen from the USA. This one has a bit of a monster nib.

Pen 3607 M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $155 SOLD
Azure Pearl. 1945

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Plastic: Barrel stress cracks
Point:  Fine
Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
COMMENTS  Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one.  Nice smooth fine point.

Pen 3590 M:  Parker Vacumatic Major  $150  SOLD
3rd Generation. Emerald Pearl. 1945. (relatively uncommon seamed-plastic barrel variant)

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mild Yellow

Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $150
COMMENTS Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. Nice color on this one. Note the nib has clean and proper Parker markings. It caught a bit too much light in the photo, washing out details. Clean plastic. Couple light marks and hint of edge brassing to cap-band. This 4th-quarter 1945 pen has a feature found on at least some   1945-early 1946 Vacs, a seamed plastic variant, indicating the barrel was made by wrapping sheet stock rather than boring a rod, an esoteric finding that charms collectors.

Pen 3497  Parker Vacumatic Major  $245 SOLD
3rd Generation. 1948. Special Nib, tweaked by nib-meister MIchael Masuyama.

Overall Grade:  Nearmint
Metal: Nearmint Color: Perfect
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Perfect
Point:  M-B-- to-- BB+  semi-flex Imprint: Perfect Size5 1/16 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $245
COMMENTSThe standard sized, 3rd generation Vacumatic Major and Junior make excellent "first Vacs", combining size and reasonable price point. This one looks as-mint, but has been inked.  Perfect barrel clarity,etc. It also packs a one-in-a-hundred plump  semi-flex nib (most Vacs have firm fine or medium).  I had the nib adjusted by MIchael Masuyama for optimal function. Writes  a wet bold line. If I get chance, I'll post a writing sample.

Pen 3582 mf:  Parker Vacumatic Major 1946  $225 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Essentially Mint Condition. Superb Clarity

Overall Grade: NM-M
Metal: clean Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM-M
Threads: Perfect clarity :Superb
Point: Fine Imprint: Perfect Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $240
COMMENTS   Vacumatic Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost.

You know my screed about Silver Pearl pens,  "Today they are common and often less expensive than other colors. They are all-told in less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens and thus sold well. They are  uncommon today  in very clean condition "

 This one arrived to me still with price sticker residue next to the clip .  The pen looked to have been dipped but not much else.  Remarkable barrel clarity.  Note  there is one speck  of flaking of the chrome trim on the cap-band (the tiny dark round lesion showing near left edge of cap-band in photo, for which I dropped price $30)

Pen 3495  Parker Vacumatic "Long" Major SIlver Pearl  1939  $315 SOLD
Special Nib. Medium-Broad True Stub. Adjusted for smoothness and flow by Michael Masuyama

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color: Exc
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point:  Med-Broad Full Stub Imprint: Exc Size5 3/8 " 13.6 cm PRICE: $315
COMMENTSThe Vacumatic Major suffered frequent evolutionary tweaks, and knowing what's what takes some practice.   You probably know my screed on Silver Pearl pens from the 1930's from most makers.  Today they are  more common and often less expensive than other colors. Generally they see  less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because-- unlike gold-filled trim--  the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens.  When you see one clean, it all makes sense.  When gems turn up, then tend to command a premium.

This one has great color and clean trim. Nice bright yellow barrel clarity.  Correct for date it has striped top and bottom jewels, blue diamond clip, black gripping section and two-tone nib. The plunger filler is of slightly later (though less finicky) 1942+ plastic, rather than metal.

The nib has lost most of the two tone effect. The nib is special.   USA-made Vac nibs overwelmingly are fine and medium points.  Full Stub (thin cross stroke, fat down stroke)  points are fewer than one in a hundred. Note that the line showing on the distal left tine was just a bit of thread. There is no scratch there.  A scarce nib grade in a grand example of the pen.  I had the nib adjusted by Michael Masuyama for optimal function. Crisp pen and great writer. If I get around to it, I'll post a writing sample

Pen 3217 JB:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1946  $120  SOLD
Black  Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mod Red-amber
Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $120
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.   Writes a smooth fine-medium line.

Pen 2844-R  Parker VACUUM-FILLER  "Middle Size" 1932- 1933 $475 SOLD
Pre-Vacumatic in trim/color arrangement not done for Vacumatic, proper. Burgundy Pearl

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Fine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:    Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 7/8" 12.4cm
PRICE: $475
COMMENTS:  Considered to have been manufactered about 7 months leading into the claimed start for Vacumatic, proper, in July 1933, pens marked "Vacuum-Filler" are high cachet items in the Vacumatic universe (Vacuverse?).  This middle size pen, the first Vacuum-Filler illustrated in ads (March 1933), has what would be high -line features in later Vacumatic pens- striped barrel, striped section and jewels, etc- but is a size which in the Vacumatic would only be found with Junior features (double cap-band, black section and jewels, etc).  Parker seemed to solidify its profile for what would be upper and lower line pens AFTER Vacuum-Filler ended its run.  It off course has the one-piece barrel-section assembly. This pen has nice color and clean clip and cap-bands. Bottom ring (Tassie) at the blind cap has marked brassing.

Pen 3501 R:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima   1941  $825 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. 2nd Generation. Double  Jewel

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color: Exc
Nib condition: Excellent 2-tone
Threads: Perfect clarity: None left

Point: F-M Imprint: Exc Size5 5/16 " 13.6 cm PRICE: $825
COMMENTS: The big boy of the last couple generations of Vacumatic, Azure Blue is the  difficult Senior Maxima color, manufactured double jewel just 18 months vs 5 years for other colors.  This one is a very nice example: no brassing, rich blue color, sharp manufacturer's imprint, with smoothwriting two tone (typical Vacumatic fine-medium nib) Mama nib.  I note that no barrel clarity remains, probably indicating decades long exposure to in. Lovely pen

Pen 3502 R:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  1942 $595 
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation (yes, it really is a Senior Maxima)

Overall Grade:  Excellent
Metal: Excellent Color: Excellent
Nib condition: Excellent
Threads: Perfect clarity: Excellent

Imprint: Exc Size5 5/16 " 13.6 cm PRICE: $595
COMMENTS: The final  style for Senior Maxima. Full 9/16th cap diameter. Senior Maxima in 1942 with start of the third generation of Vacs, became single jewel and adopted the thinner style cap-band of the Major. These actually are well more scarce than 1937-1941 double jewel Maximas; my hypothesis is that with the appearance of the Parker "51", many customers who had been willing  to spring $10 for the Maxima, were willing to pop an extra $2.50 to get the brand new "51".  This is a superb example with clean trim, clean plastic, and excellent barrel transparency. 

Pen 3012-S  Parker Vacumatic Junior 2nd Gen  1939   $285  SOLD

Overall Grade:  Nearmint
Metal: NM Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity: Superb Personalized "W E M"
Point: M Imprint: Superb Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $285 
COMMENTS:Ahhh.... where to start. I won't repeat all the long explanations. Perhaps time to post some pages.  First, Shadow-Wave WAS made in black. Most seem opaque due to loss of shadow-wave clarity and of course the cap and blind cap ARE opaque. Star Clip was issued on high-line pens before being yanked for the blue diamond... in early 1939. It was "blown out" (as it was never advertised) on junior-line pens in late 1939 and early 1940. Thus we get Shadow-Wave with Star Clip (this one is last quarter 1939 issue).

This one is amongst the three most transparent black Wave's I' ve handled in ten years. The yellow clarity showing in the pic underrepresents the degree of clarity found. Trim and imprint are superb.   The pen is personalized "W.E.M." in neat small heat-stamped gold letters. I could have swapped  the barrel or have had  the name heated away, but ultimately I opted not to mess with this one. It is just superb. Smooth medium point.

Pen 3084  Parker Vacumatic Standard Pencil Black 1937 $70  SOLD
Match to First-Generation Pen.

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
threads: Mint clarity: NA
Point:  NA Imprint:  Exc Size:  5 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $70
COMMENTS Early pencils are found far less frequently than later generation product.  This 1937 example has the three rings on the cap (not split with barrel) and has the short ferrule, all appropriate for a late first generation pencil. Matches the Vacumatic Standard pen, of which many examples can be found on the website.

Pen 3205 JB:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1946  $135 SOLD
Black  Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc Amber
Point: Full Medium Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.     Barrel clarity is much brighter than photo suggests, a nice amber, not deep red. Full medium point. Excellent writer

Pen 2352R Parker Vacumatic 2nd Gen "Long" Major $150 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid 1940

Overall Grade: Fine
MetalEdge brassing Color: Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: extra fine
Threads  perfect clarity:  Nope personalized "M. Weiss"
Point: Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 5/16" 13.6cm
PRICE: $150 
COMMENTS:  There is no such model as a Long Major, but the "long" descriptor is added to differentiate late 1938-1942 pens from earlier and later Majors which feature shorter stock.  This pen often is wrongly labelled "Slender Maxima", which is a subtly different pen. This one has seen some use, and has edge brassing on band, tassie and clip. Nothing overwhelming.  The celluloid has nice color, but the barrel no longer is transparent. Features are all correct for 2nd Gen pen from this year including: Two tone nib, striped top jewel, bottom pseudojewels, black gripping section. Respectable eye-appeal, which will make a nice double jewel user with no fatal flaws. Nice writer.

Pen 3200 JB:  Parker Vacumatic  Major $215  SOLD
 Uncommon (and uncatalogued) "Stacked Coin" cap-band. Golden Pearl Celluloid
Broad Semi-Flex nib

Overall Grade: Excellent
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: Nearmint
Point: Broad Semi-Flex Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $215
COMMENTS3rd Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are excellent "first" Vacs for collectors, offering good size at relatively affordable price.  The uncatalogued "stacked coin" band likely was used on pens with typical stripes from 1942-1945, also appearing on pens in Shadow Wave plasitc and on the "dread Vacu-Fold" in 1943-early 1943.  A nice twist on an otherwise basic Vac. This one is quite clean with no brassing, with excellent transparency, and with excellent imprint, which looks never to have had a date-code. Nib has plump broad point (uncommon in Vacs). The nib is buried a bit deeply in section. Superb writer.

Pen 3215 JB:  Parker Vacumatic Junior  3rd Generation 1947 $180 SOLD
Golden Pearl  Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc-Nearmint
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point: Fine Imprint: Nearmint Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $180
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status. The differ in trim style and slightly in nib contour.  Nearly mint pen, superb in all respects. Terrific transparency, obscured in the photo, above, by the angle of hte stripes. Beautiful pen

Pen 3506 J  Parker Vacumatic Debutante 1938   $425 SOLD
 Silver Pearl Celluloid with 
Quite Rare Reverse Trim.

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Excellent Color: Exc
Nib condition:
Threads: Perfect clarity: Extra Fine

Point: Flexible F-to-B
Imprint: Exc Size: 4 5/8 " 11.9 cm PRICE: $425
COMMENTS: A very special Vac. During 14 years hunting Vacumatics, I've managed to put acquire what might be the world's largest personal collection of reverse-trim Silver Pearl Vacumatics, pens in this color with gold-filled instead of chrome trim.  The most visually impressive are the 2nd generation pens, which have more eye-catching cap-bands than do earlier  triple-thin-band pens. I have a couple duplicates, and this is the first 2nd-gen pen of this sort I've ever offered for sale.  Note that while anomalous pens sometimes have other feature quirks, in fact hte non-blue-diamond clip on this high-line pen is correct. Debutante appeared before the blue diamond clip was released, and never had the long plain feather clip. Thus, early Debutants share with Sub-Deb and Junior Debutante, the  non-BD clip. Superb condition with excellent color, clarity, plastic and trim.  While this is definitely a "collector" pen for those who hunt unusual Vacs, I fear too that it has a pretty neat nib, in this case a flexible Fine  that can hit Broad with gentle pressure. 

Pen 3504 J  Parker Vacumatic Junior (standard size pen)  $190 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid. 2nd Generation. Double Jewel 1941

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color: Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity:  Minimal red.
Point: Fine. Responsive
Imprint: Extra Fine
Size5 1/8 " 13 cm PRICE: $190
COMMENTS: 2nd generation  Vac Juniors with striped plastic appeared in 1939, couple years after the Major. Double jewel specimens thus are a relatively uncommon, though hardly absolutely uncommon. This will make a great user for someone who seeks Double Jewels at reasonable price. Proper metal filler. Clean metal and plastic. Bright color. Nib is a fine point but is responsive. It is not flexible but its sproinginess does allow some line shading with pressure allowing line to vary from fine to at about medium. 

Pen 3526  Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation $170 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Excellent-NearMint
Metal: Superb Color: Superb
Nib condition: Fine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb

Point:  Fine Imprint: Superb Size5 1/8 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $170
COMMENTS: Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost. This one pops. Superb condition and clarity.  Nice smooth fine line.  However, the nib has a bit of surface roughness just by the vent hole.  Priced down a bit. If I need to, I can swap nibs, but let's see if anyone will take it just as it is.

Pen 3203 JB:  Parker Vacumatic  Major 1944 $135 SOLD 
 3nd Generation Azure Blue  Celluloid

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: None left
Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Fine Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
COMMENTS3rd Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are excellent "first" Vacs for collectors, offering good size at relatively affordable price.  Imprint fully legible but not razor sharp. No transparency left. Barrel color a bit subdued. Nicely writing typical Vac fine-med firm point.

Pen 2859-M  Parker Vacumatic 2nd Generation Debutante. $150  SOLD
Double Jewel. Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Slight Ruby
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size:4 5/8" 11.7cm
PRICE: $150
COMMENTS:  Blue is the least common 2nd generation Vac color, having been introduced in mid 1940. 2nd Generation ran 1937-1941, with all other color having been produced  nearly five years. Clean pen with smooth point (note, the nib is monotone, not two tone as would be expected), sharp imprint, nice color, proper metal filler, etc.

Pen 2532 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1944 $150 Nib adjusted by Mike Masuyama  (SOLD)
Emerald Pearl Celluloid.  

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Exc clarity:  Moderate Ruby
Point: Fine-Med  Imprint:  ExtraFine Size5 1/8" 13 cm PRICE: $150 
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Smooth wet writer. Touch of brass to edge of cap-band.

Pen 3525  Parker Vacumatic Major. Canadian 1953  $275 MONSTER NIB SOLD
Very Last o' the Vacs, Matey.

Overall Grade:  nearmint
Metal: Superb Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: NA
PointDouble Broad Flex
Imprint: Superb Size5 1/8 " 12.9  cm PRICE: $275
COMMENTS: Major and Junior (standard sized pen) from the 3rd generation 1942-1948 make excellent first Vacs for collectors, offering good size at reasonable cost.  This one is a bit special, in a couple respects. First it is a late Canadian Vacumatic, made five years after the USA had ceased production of this series.  Next, it is in stunning condition, with blast white barrel transparency, great color and trim. Finally it has a monster nib, a "one in five hundred" double broad with fair element of flex as well.  This one has collectable charm, superb condition, and monster nib.   And, the nib is dated 1955, after Vac production (we believe) had ceased even in Canada.  Cool pen

Pen 3471  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  $575 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 1937

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color: Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Excellent
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point: Fine-Medium Imprint: ExtraFine Size5 3/8 " 13.5 cm PRICE: $575
COMMENTS: The big-boy from the 2nd Generation of Vacdom. True double Jewel early 2nd-gen variant (vs. later pseudo bottom jewel).  Striped jewels and striped gripping section. Two tone Maxima nib. Wide Cap-band. Appropriate early pure feather clip.  The color just pops. Very vibrant "early" type Emerald. Trim is clean, noting just a speck of brassing at the usual spot, the very tip of clip.  Couple light marks by imprint. Imprint fully visible, a bit light just at "made in USA". No personalization done. Smooth wet writer with fine-medium point.   Classic Maxima.

Pen 3475 NB:  Parker Vacumatic Junior Golden Pearl   $160 SOLD
Full Size non Blue Diamond 3rd Generation Pen. 1947

Overall Grade:  Excellent
Metal: Superb Color: Excellent CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Excellent
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point:  XF-F Imprint: Extra Fine Size5 1/8 " 13 cm PRICE: $160
COMMENTSVery nice example of one of the two classic "first Vacs" for collectors (3rd Gen Major and Junior). A full size pen, the Junior is differentiated from Major by cap-band, clip style and nib shape. This one has vibrant color and superb plastic finish. Trim is superb, with no brassing even to the thin double cap-bands, an at-risk region.  Great eye appeal for a nice standard size Vacumatic.

Pen 3480 NB:  Parker Vacumatic Junior  $175 SOLD
 Emerald Pearl. 1948

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Superb Color: Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point:  X-Fine Imprint: Exc Size5 1/8 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $175
COMMENTSVery nice example of one of the two classic "first Vacs" for collectors (3rd Gen Major and Junior). A full size pen, the Junior is differentiated from Major by cap-band, clip style and nib shape. This one has vibrant color and superb plastic finish. Trim is superb, with no brassing even to the thin double cap-bands, an at-risk region.  Bright "white" barrel transparency. Great eye appeal for a nice standard size Vacumatic.

Pen 3455:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Pen with Major Pencil $675 SOLD
Cap-bands on this slightly mismatched "set" have matching personalizations.
Relatively Scarce Injector Pencil

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Nearmint Color:  Superb
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point: ---F-M Imprint: Superb Size: 5 3/18" 13.6 cm
PRICE: $675
COMMENTS: You know my screed on Silver Pearl pens from the 1930's.  Today they are  more common and often less expensive than other colors. Generally they see  less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common because back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens.  When you see one clean, it all makes sense.  When gems turn up, then tend to command a premium.

This one is the exception to the rule. Superb color, chrome trim and transparency.  Bright bold clarity, with slight yellow tint.   It is amongst the best dozen silver-pearl Maxima sets I've seen... and I've seen many.

The set formally is a mismatch, as the pencil is Vacumatic Major. Injector pencils such as this are uncommon, produced probaby just a couple months in early 1939.  But, both cap-bands have matching elegant engraving "W.A.B" suggesting an original pairing at time of sale. Superb set for the condition-oriented collector.

Pen 3456:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  $640 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 1940

Overall Grade: Excellent+
Metal: NM Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc. Light amber
Point: Fine. 2-Tone Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
PRICE: $640
COMMENTS: The big-boy from the 2nd Generation of Vacdom. Double Jewel. Wide Cap-band. Correct-for-year striped top jewel, two-tone nib, black gripping section and target pattern bottom pseudo-jewel. A superb Senior Max.

Pen 3181 -NB  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen Major. 1945  $ 145
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. Fine Point

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Minimal
Point: F Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $ 145
COMMENTS 3rd Generation Major and identical size/shape Junior make excellent "first Vacs", offering good size at reasonable price. This one packs a firm smooth fine point nib. Excellent point for daily scribble.

 SOLD Pen 3005 -TB  Parker Vacumatic. 3rd Gen Emerald Pearl  $175 SOLD
Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extrafine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point: Med Semi-Flex Imprint:  Exc+ Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Superb color, imprint and clarity.

Pen 2537 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1944 $160 SOLD
 Emerald  Pearl Celluloid.

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Modest
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size 5 1/8" 13 cm PRICE: $160
COMMENTS:   Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.

Pen 3457:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  $725 SOLD
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. USA-Manufacture for South America with "Marca Registrada" Marking.
Oh yeah... Uncommon USA-issue FLEX Nib.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Extra-Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Exc clarity: Mild
Point: F-M  FLEX to B+ Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
PRICE: $725
COMMENTSThe big-boy from the 2nd Generation of Vacdom. Double Jewel. Wide Cap-band. Correct-for-year striped top jewel, two-tone nib, black gripping section. True double jewel pen with striped bottom jewel, a "late" finding for this, as most 1940 pens have the target pattern pseudo-jewel.  Clean pen with good color, sharp imprint. Trace brass to very bottom edge of cap-band (loupe needed to see) and trace to tassie. Modest clarity to barrel.  Unusual feature: "Marca Registrada" imprint, believed to indicate intent for export to South America.  I have a complete "Marca Registrada"  Maxima set in my own collection, save possibly for Silver Pearl.  Great nib- high flex, something scarce to USA-made Vacs. 

Pen 3099 NB Parker Vacumatic  Major 1946 $135 SOLD
 3nd Generation Black Celluloid

Overall Grade: Excellent
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: Exc
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $135
COMMENTS3rd Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are excellent "first" Vacs for collectors, offering good size at relatively affordable price.  This one is quite clean with no brassing, with excellent transparency, and with excellent imprint.

Pen 3052 JB Parker Vacumatic "Long" Major 1938  $185 SOLD
 2nd Generation Double Jewel Golden Pearl Celluloid 

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Fine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: VG
Threads:  Exc clarity: VG
Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/4" 13.5 cm
PRICE: $185
COMMENTSDouble Jewel 2nd Generation Vacs were manufactured from mid 1937-1941 and saw a remarkable number of evolutionary tweaks during that time. This one is an early pen with feather clip, double striped jewels, striped gripping section and, of course a two-tone "arrow" nib.  Clean pen with excellent color and trim.  Mid-Late 1938 seems to be when the Major's contour was "grown" by Parker to match that of Slender Maxima. This is about the first of the "long" Majors. Clean color. Excellent imprint. Clean plastic. Bit of high point edge brassing at the ridges on tassie (bottom metal ring) and at top of clip ring. Nib is very smooth and responsive, but has lost most of the original two-tone effect and has a shallow ding at "RK" of "PARKER". I could replace the nib, but figured a somewhat "better" variant that is a great writer with nice eye appeal at reasonable price  might work.

Pen 2292 Parker Vacumatic Junior 1st Generation Set $350 SOLD
Marbled Silver Pearl Celluloid. Excellent clarity. Superb condition.

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA
Point:   Fine-med hint o' flex. Imprint:  Exc Size:4 7/8" 12.4 cm
PRICE: $350
COMMENTS:  Today often bedeviled by heavy ambering and wear to that unpolishable white trim, the collector does not have an easy job finding crisp early mottled Vacumatic Juniors.  But, when found, they make a for pleasant acquisitions.  This one is a gem in all respects. Crisp trim, color and clarity. Responsive fine-med nib with wee bit o' flex. Matching pencil is clean too.

Pen 2867-M Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard.  1939 $285 SOLD
 Burgundy Pearl Celluloid.  Late Production Piece.

Overall Grade:   Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:  
Point:  Medium. "Sproingy" Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $285
COMMENTS I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band. Burgundy is considered a "better" color.

This one is bit of an odd duck. Late code for 1st Gen and gripping section with greater hour-glassing than earlier product. Nib wit "9" date code to match the 1939 barrel imprint. Barrel appears wholly opaque. Given the known history of 1937-1939 "blowout" of 1932-33 opaque rodstock, this could be a Vac of truly opaque plastic. Otherwise, figure extreme ambring of the transparent zones.

Overall condition is fine. Sharp imprint. Nice color to cap and blind cap with bit of ambering to barrel color. Partial brassing to bottom cap-ring. Scattered light marks to plastic. A decent example of a somewhat anomalous Burgundy Pearl Vac. 

Pen 3460:  Parker Vacuum Filler Stubby Ring-Top ~1933  $700 SOLD
Rare High-Cachet Variant.

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Fine
Nib condition: Excellent+
Threads: Perfect clarity: NA
Point: Fine Imprint: Light Size: 4 3/8" 11cm
PRICE: $700
COMMENTS: If you already know this pen, then do skip the history lesson.  Sound example of this very challenging model. Barrel ambering is apparent, though not sever. Nib has correct early style feather-together arrow and is in superb shape. Imprint light but legible. Neat skewed laminations on the cap, an appealing feature sometimes found on early pens.

History Lesson:   Isn't this just "a little Vac"?   Nope.  This pre-Vacumatic Parker Vacuum-Filler has full girth and is extra short. Thus, it is  fatter and shorter than typical ladies' models such as the Slender or the Debutante.  Collectors call it the Stubby.  It is known with Golden Arrow and Vacuum Filler imprints. Vacumatic-imprinted pens do turn up, usually with early features, sometimes with obviously early plastic (always opaque with one-piece barrel-section assembly) but  with later "parts blow out" date code.  The Stubby can be found with clip or with ring top (indeed, the parts can be exchanged, if one had spares).  While for most old pens, ring-tops have less cachet than clip pens, this is reversed for Parker Vacumatic, as ring tops in general were phasing out in the early 1930's, and because ring-top Vacs are frankly rare. The ring-top appears in minimal Parker literature.  This pen packs it all, with proper features and-- if not superb shape-- and very nice condition for this sort.  This probably is not an ideal toss-about pen, but is meant for someone seeking recognized high-cachet variants for his collection.  It has be a long time since I've offered a ring-top Stubby for sale. 

Pen 3453:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima $600 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid  1940-41

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Fine Color:  Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Exc clarity: Modest
Point: Med+ Imprint: Fine Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm 
PRICE: $600
COMMENTS: The most difficult Maxima color, manufactured double jewel just 18 months vs 5 years for other colors. With full Excellent pens now running $900-$1000, this is offered as a quite decent, but not superb example. NO "fatal flaws". Some brassing to bottom edge of cap-band, visible in photo, nice color, partially present imprint. Great plump medium+ point.

Pen 3343 NB:  Parker Vacumatic Slender.  1st Generation  1938 $250 SOLD
Silver Pearl Mottled Celluloid. Superb Clarity and Condition

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc+ Color:  Exc+ CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: superb light yellow
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 4 5/8" 11.7cm
PRICE: $250
COMMENTS: This pen is amongst the best few of this sort I've seen during the last 12 years. It's not that the pen is outrageously great (though it is pretty grand), but that most of these are pretty horrible. You know my screed on Silver Pearl pens from the 1930's "Today they are common and often less expensive than other colors. They are all told in less demand today because the pale color shows celluloid discoloration more than other colors and because unlike gold-filled trim the chrome trim cannot readily be polished once worn or pitted.  My assertion is they are common becaue back in the day, when clean, they were stunningly lovely pens".    The pen looks nicer in hand than in photo. Lockdown filler of course for  1st Gen pen

This one is the exception to the rule. Superb color, chrome trim and transparency. It has none of the barrel bulge that can be seen in slender pens that have been poorly restored (residual old sac or too much pressure from the filler unit can give swelling at back of barrel).   More scarce  in any shape than Major and other later pens, it is very hard to find one this nice.   Fine point.

Pen 3341 TB:  Parker Vacumatic "Long, 1st year" 3rd Generation Major $220 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 1942

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Two Tone
Threads: Perfect clarity: moderate amber
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $220
COMMENTS: Collecting the most prevalent Vacumatic model- Major- is a... major... challenge, as up to 9 or more sequential style variants can be identified during the 1937-1953 (counting Canadian prodution) run.  The "Long" double jewel Major, often confused by collectors with the true Slender Maxima- did not revert to non-long form at the very start of the third generation. Thus, the first year or so of single jewel pens, in 1942, are still long, longer than later pens. This pen also has the earlier blue-green Emerald Pearl (later pens are more olive).  Has the two-tone nib, also a hold-over from the 2nd generation that went away by late 1942.  Nice color and imprint. Back of clip top has couple pin marks. Would not be big deal to swap clip at nominal price if this tiny flaw bothers.  Pretty pen and well more scarce than typical Majors.

Pen 3216 JB: Parker Vacumatic Standard  1937 $235 SOLD
1st Generation. Silver Pearl Celluloid  

Overall Grade: exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc. CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point: Fine Point Imprint: Nearmint Size  5 1/8 " 13.9cm PRICE: $235 
COMMENTS:  As most of my pendom acquaintances know, I am fond of high-line 1st GenerationVac which feature lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, and all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib).  The gripping section on Standard is heftier than that found on the later niche-equivalent, Major.  You might also recall my screed about silver pearl pens, how they easily  demonstrate  discoloration  of the celluloid and how that chrome trim cannot be well polished after initial wear, rendering most of these unattractive. This one... pops. Great color/ clean trim (hint o' wear only to blind cap ring, the tassie). Excellent clarity. Superb "mirror" preservation of the two tone nib effect. All striped everything, of course, as proper to this year.

Pen 3043 JB Parker Vacumatic Junior Shadow-Wave 1939   $295 SOLD
The big 2nd Generation Wave. Golden-Brown. Superb.

Overall Grade: Exc+
Nib condition: NM
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate Red
Point: F-M Imprint:  NM Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $295
COMMENTS: Shadow-Wave is a pattern, not a model. It appears on various econo-line models from late 1937 probably through 1943. With second generation pens featuring three different clips, this one has the earliest clip style, the "feather" clip. It is  the longest model pocket pen found in this plastic.  Superb pen without brassing to those famously fragile thin cap-bands. Great color.Smooth typical Vac "Fine-Medium" nib.

Pen 2994-S  Parker Vacumatic Major  3rd Gen. Azure 1953  $155 SOLD
The last of the Vacs, matey. Canadian. Very clear barrel.

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Exc clarity: SUPERB
Point: M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $155 
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Parker USA ceased Vac production in 1948, but Canada continued through 1953, re-introducing a (modified) two-digit date code in 1950.  This one has excellent color and superb barrel clarity. The imprint, notoriously weak on the late Canadian pens, is very sharp.  BIt of brassing to cap-band (can see it in the photo) This one packs a nice medium nib, which is few years earlier issue and from the USA.

Pen 3222 J:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima 1941  $780 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. 2nd Generation. Double Jewel.

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Extra FIne Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point: Fine to Fine-Med Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $780
COMMENTS: Blue overshelmingly is the most scarce color all-told amongst the 2nd Generation Senior Maximae, as it had a production run of about 18 months vs 5  years for the other colors.  They turn up time to time but are not easy to find.  This one is a sound, though not "near mint" example. Excellent color, clarity and imprint. Clip and cap-ring trim are clean. Blind cap tassie (bottom ring)  with one small ding and bit of edge brassing.  Nib clean but has lost a goodly amount of the two-tone effect. The clean cap-band does have initials (L.N.G.)  neatly stamped in the cartouche, where they belong.  Nib has only partial two tone effect left.  First Double Jewel Blue Sr. Max I've had on the website in a couple-few years. Nice writer

Pen 3000-S  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen Emerald Pearl 1945  $145  SOLD

Overall Grade:  Fine-Xf
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity: Modest Amber
Point:  M- TWO TONE** Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $145
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  This one packs a nice medium nib, full two tone effect date code for 1946. Two tone nibs are not "expected" this late, but two tone 1946 nibs are known.

Pen 2892  Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard.  1933-1934 $395
Scarce "First Year" Vacumatic with  (superb) longitudinal transparency.

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Superb
Point:   pending Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $395
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. This one is a bit special.  Typical ring transparency was not introduced in black pens until late 1934. Earlier pens either were opaque, had longitudinal clarity pattern, or were all-clear Crystal (that one exquisitely rare in high-line pens). This one, with "longitudinal windows" clarity pattern, is in great hape. Clean trim, clear imprint. Excellent clarity. I will need to finalize this description with the point grade, when home from vacation.

Pen 2115  Parker Vacumatic Junior Debutante Shadow-Wave  $135 SOLD
Silver Pearl Double Jewel 2nd Generation

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Excellent Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM open gold
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Fine
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 3/4"  11.8cm
PRICE: $135 
COMMENTS:   A qite solid example of this color/pattern with clean trim, excellent imprint, excellent color and nice clarity. Only flaw is hint of barrel swell down by the filler

Pen 3358 TB:  Parker Vacumatic Junior  3rd Generation 1946 $170  SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $170
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status. The differ in trim style and slightly in nib contour. Excellent in all respects. 

Pen 3347 NB:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1944 $150 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: mild Red
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $150
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  Minimal trim wear, slightest ambering to barrel, still well better than average.

Pen 3204 JB:  Parker Vacumatic  Major 1946 $140 SOLD
 3nd Generation. Black Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: Exc
Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $140
COMMENTS3rd Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are excellent "first" Vacs for collectors, offering good size at relatively affordable price.  This one is quite clean with no brassing, with excellent transparency, and with excellent imprint. Nice writing typical Vac nib... fine-med firm.

Pen 3230 J:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Set-in-box $635 SOLD
Vacumatic 2nd Generation. Double Jewel. Golden Pearl. 1939
Scarce Repeater Pencil (likely just couple month production run)

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mod Amber
Point: Fine to Fine-Med Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $635
COMMENTS: All correct Senior Maxima, 2nd Generation. Clean trim and color. The box is catalogued for Vac Junior, but is one of the more interesting 1940 boxes, with translucent cover (can be found in three colors) with arrow symbol showing deep in the plastic cover. Injector pencils appear to have been manufactured only very learly 1939 (perhaps very late 1938 as well) for couple months or so. Neat set. Pen grades excellent with clean color/trim/imprint. Exc preservation of two-tone effect on nib. All correct for late 1939 pen: striped jewels, black section, two-tone nib. Smooth writer.

Pen 3244 - NB:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima 1941 $495 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mild-Mod Red
Point: Fine-Medium+  Firm Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $495
COMMENTS: The big-boy from the 2nd Generation of Vacdom. Double Jewel. Wide Cap-band. Correct-for-year striped top jewel, two-tone nib, black gripping section and "target" bottom pseudo-jewel. Clean plastic and imprint. Clean clip. Trace edge brassing bottom edge of part of cap-band. Tassie (bottom trim ring on blind cap) with edge brassing and one tiny ding (the usual "tap" point). Excellent writer. Point looks fine-medium, but writes a plump line due to excellent ink-flow.

Pen 3247 R:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1947 $340 Sold to Want List
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade: Mint
Metal: Mint Color:  Mint CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mint
Point: Fine Imprint: Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $340
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  Mint stickered examples are scarce. Uncommon if esoteric variant, as it has the late 1945-early 1946 seamed plastic (note too the thinner stripes on cap).   I pulled this "spare" pen for a "want list" request, and possibly let it go by accident, as now I'm not sure I have another mint "seamed-plastic" pen sitting about. Ah well :)

Pen 3248 R:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1947 $360 Sold to Want List
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade: Mint
Metal: Mint Color:  Mint CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Mint
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $340
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  Yeah, but go find 'em mint stickered with "perfect" transparency.

Pen 3225 J:  Parker Vacumatic "long" Major 2nd Gen Double Jewel 1941 $310 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: ExtraFine
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point: Fine-Medium Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm
PRICE: $310
COMMENTS: Double Jewel Blue Majors, as with Senior Maxima and really all blue pens, are more scarce then pens in the other five colors, due to the brief production run (18 months vs 5 years).  Unlike Senior Maxima, amongst Major red still outprices blue by a bit, though blue is well less easy to find. First DJ Major in Blue I've had on the website probably in a year or two. Clean pen all correct.  Sharp imprint.  The 2nd largest catalogued blue Vac. Nib has excellent two tone effect, writes a smooth  fine-med line,  but I note the "iridium" tipping is light. Might need re-tip in another 10-20 years of daily use ;)

Pen 3256 J:  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation  $180 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. "Bonus" Two-Tone nib. 1946

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Minimal Red
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $180
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  While the two-tone nib was discontinued by mid-1942 on high-line Vacs, occasional 1946 pens turn up with just that finding (usually with proper "6" date code, supporting originality). Date code buried under section in this one, but this seems to be that.  Very clean two tone nib with excellent preservation of platinum plating.

Pen 3206 JB: Parker Vacumatic Standard $260 SOLD
1st Generation. Emerald Celluloid. 1935

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc. CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
threads: Perfect clarity: Exc Amber
Point: Fine-Medium Imprint: Exc Size  5 1/8 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $260
COMMENTS:  As most of my pendom acquaintances  know, I am fond of high-line 1st Generation Vac which feature lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, and all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib).  The gripping section on Standard is heftier than that found on the later niche-equivalent, Major. This one has third quarter 1935 date-code on both barrel and nib, a not-alway- seen  "perfect match". Great color, imprint, plastic, trim, etc. Superb preservation of two tone nib effect. Smooth fine-medium point with hint of give (responsiveness) more than usually seen on Vac nib.  

SOLD Pen 2623 Parker Vacumatic Junior Set-in-Box.  $475 SOLD
Burgundy. Canadian. 1950 3rd Generation
 Burgundy Pearl. A Late-Only, Canadian-Only Set.

Overall Grade:  Fine-Xf
Metal: NM Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: NM clarity: NA
Point:   Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
COMMENTSAhhh... where to start???  

Burgundy Pearl last appeared in USA Parker catalogues in 1940, though 1941 pens are both well known and prevalent, and even rare (I've seen 4 total in ten years hunting) first quarter 1942 single jewel "long" Major and "long" streamlined Standard single jewel are known.  Most collectors thus figure their single jewel collections will comprise 5 colors not 6. However, Parker continued Vacumatic production in Canada until 1953, not stopping in 1948 as in the USA. Pens after 1948 of course lack the blue diamond, even in models that once had it. By 1950 Parker created a new 2-digit date code (lopping off the "19" from 195x for the year, leaving the final two digits of the actual year to mark that year).  Canada in 1950 reintroduced Burgundy. While these late Vacs thus had some style tweaks relative to most 3rd generation pens, it is thus possible to add red Vacs to one's collection of 3rd Gen Vac Major and Debutante (I know of no Maximas produced this late, in any color), by embracing these late Canadian variants.

But, this set is more interesting still...

While Parker catalogued Burgundy Vacumatic from 1933-1940,  Parker never catalogued during that period burgundy striped pens as either the full sized Junior or as the slender short Sub-Deb. Red Striped plastic was reserved for the high line. Thus, one finds burgundy Senior Maxima, Slender Maxima, Major and Debutante.  This is true for both USA and Canadian production.  However (you knew there'd be a "however", right?), it is clear that Canada, with the reintroduction of Burgundy in 1950, produced the color in both high-line and economy-line models.  I own "late" Canadian Major, Junior, Debutante and Sub-Deb in this color. I see far fewer of the economy-line models than I do high liners. Indeed, I've seen/handled in Burgundy perhaps 4 Junior pens and just 1 Sub-Deb, along with perhaps 3 Junior Pencils and so far no Sub-Deb pencil. I've seen well more Majors, and even those often are quite worn (turning up from South America and India).

This is a rare set, particularly the pencil.   It is for sale only because I do own one other.   And, yeah, the box is probably from 1941, but it looked good with the set.

Pen 3130 -TB   Parker  Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation $160 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Bright amber.
Point: F Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8th" 12.9  cm
PRICE: $160
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  This one has nice color and smooth fine point.

Pen 3044 JB  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Genearation  $335 
Golden Pearl Celluloid. Mint Double Stickered. Yeep!

Overall Grade:  Mint
Metal: Mint Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  MInt clarity: Mint
Point: Med Imprint:  Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $335
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  Mint pens though are one-in-hundreds; they show just why these pens were so popular back in the day. This one is stunning, with great color, clarity, etc. It HAS been fully restored.  It may not be returned if inked or dipped, but it does carry the one year function warranty.

SOLD Pen 3067 E   Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen. SOLD
Black Celluloid 4th Quarter 1948 $195

Overall Grade: Nearmint
Metal: Nearmint Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  Perfect clarity: minimal Red
Point: Nearmint Imprint:  Superb Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $195

Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Superb color, imprint and clarity, even by the sac. Responsive Fine-Med point. 1948 was the very end of Vacumatic production in the USA.

Pen 3015-S  Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Gen Emerald Pearl 1943  $165 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point:  XF-F Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $165
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  Clean pen with very fine point.

Pen 1772 Parker Vacumatic Imperial Debutante.
Golden Pearl Celluloid with Gold Filled Cap  $585 SOLD

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Two tiny pin dings Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc monotone
Threads:  perfect clarity: slight
Point:  fine-XF Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 15/16"
PRICE: $585 
COMMENTSThe Vacumatic Imperial no doubt was influenced both by the already-in-production Sheaffer Crest and by the soon-to-be-released Parker "51". Featuring a "51"-style cap but with cap threads, not clutch set up, and featuring an hour-glass shaped gripping section with threads at the very bottom, the Imperial Family is not your typical Vac. Catalogued in the USA for two years various levels could be found up to an all-14k pen, the Imperial Coronet.

This Debutante sized Imperial, proper, is not at all bad. Very clean barrel. Unworn cap. BUT, two tiny pin-size dings (superficial) are noted near the very top of the cap.

SOLD Pen 1623 Parker Vacumatic Junior (large size) 1st Generation 1935  $335 SOLD
Mottled Silver Pearl Celluloid with Superb Transparency

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: NM Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Threads:  perfect clarity: Spectacular
Point:   Medium Imprint:  perfect Size:  4 7/8"
PRICE: $335 
COMMENTSSilver Pearl mottled Vac Juniors do seem a bit more common today than Red, though they were made just as long. Many today show ambering of the silver panels, loss of clarity in the barrel and trashing of the white trim, which shows wear more than the gold fill trim seen on other colors.  But, on occasion one comes along which reminds us why these probably outsold the red pens in their day. Crisp white trim, staggering barrel clarity (Photo above was done before the barrel was flushed) and great color render this a crisp pen indeed. One of the best i've seen

Pen 1765 Parker Vacumatic 1st Generation Junior
SOLD  Mottled Silver Celluloid. Excellent clarity. Larger Size Junior $295 SOLD

Overall Grade: extra fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Superb
Point:  Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 5/6"
PRICE: $295
COMMENTS:  Today often bedeviled by heavy ambering and wear to that unpolishable white trim, the collector does not have an easy job finding crisp early mottled Vacumatic Juniors.  But, when found, they make a for pleasant acquisitions.  

This one is quite nice. Clean color, clarity and trim, save for one small mark on the blind cap ring (tassie).

Pen 3223 J:  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  3rd Generation  $525 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Yes, it really is a Senior Maxima

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Minimal Red
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
COMMENTS: In the USA, when 2nd Generation gave way to 3rd, Vacs lost the bottom jewel and tassie.  Senior Maxima also lost the fat cap-band, gaining instead a cap-band similar to that of Vac Major. SJ Maximas are more scarce overall than double jewel pens, but tend to price in similar range, as demand is a bit lower. This one is quite clean, with excellent color and clean trim (both serious problems for many silver pearl pens). Nice preservation of the two-tone effet on the early 1942 nib. Pen still has striped top jewel, a feature that would give way to generic black jewel later in 1942.  Nice pen.

Pen 2898 -WD  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1946  $125  SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point: F-M semiflex Imprint: Fine Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $125
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Nice writing pen with excellent color and decent clarity. It has bit of brassing to cap-band  and partially weak imprint

Pen 2842-R  Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Junior. Early 1934 . $325 SOLD
Burgundy (mottled) Celluloid. "First Year" Pen with "First Year" Nib

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Extra Fine
Point:  Fine- SemiFlex Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 7/8" 12.4cm
PRICE: $325
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar-niche pens.  The mottled Junior pens (larger of the two sizes, like this one, of same diameter as the high line Vacumatic Standard), were manufactured 1934-1938. Trick is to find clean trim, as the two thin cap-bands often take quite the hit. This one has very clean trim. The nib is "First Year" in that early Vac Junior nibs, like the Vacuum-Filler Junior nibs before them, lack the arrow design, instead having a bold "Parker Vacumatic" on the plain background.  The "Pat" barrel markings without date code indicates production before third quarter 1934. The nib is a responsive fine point, a long snouted thing, with a bit o' flex to it.

Pen 2543  Parker Vacumatic "Jeweler's Band"  Major 1941
Couple neat features to this 2nd Size Jeweler's Band pen.
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Upside down date imprint.  
$395 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity:  Extra Fine
Point:  F-M twotone Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.96cm
PRICE: $395 
COMMENTS:    The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  

This one is the 2nd size pen derived from rod stock used for the Major and Slender Maxima of that era, though all pens found with this cap-band have Major nib. This pen and the 1st Size pen (Senior Maxima) share the  larger of the two Jeweler's Band forms found in this variant cluster.

This one has resided in my personal collection 8 years, the best i'd handled, until i recently grabbed a near mint pen. Had i not found that one, this one would not have left the collection. The cap-band is very clean. The silver pearl celluloid (often found quite ambered) is superb. The pen packs the infamous "upside down" first quarter 1941 date stamp, one of several date code oddities known from the Vac series.  The bottom tassie (blind cap ring) does show bit of brassing, and the filler pump is the slightly later plastic. A nice example of an uncommon Vac.

Pen 2531 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation  Major 1945 $210. Odd variant. SOLD
Vacsoterica alert:  Seamed plastic and stacked coin cap-band

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:  Minimal
Point: F-M Semi-Flex Nib Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm
PRICE: $210
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  This one provides a bit of a twist, though I wish to avoid writing a chapter for the explanation. The Stacked Coin band is known from 1942-3 Shadow-Wave pens and "Vacufolds". It is found later (1946)  on pens with conventional stripes though there had been debate as to whether these represent cap swaps onto later barrels. However, known only from  1945 (and maybe 1946) are 3rd gen striped pens with seamed plastic, with distinct line indicating wrapped celluloid. Perhaps a trial by Parker. Pens are found with seamed cap, with seamed barrel and seamed cap and barrel. This pen has seamed cap and barrel and 1945 barrel imprint. The seamed cap with stacked coin band is proof the stacked coin band persisted on striped pens past the initial use on other 1942/3-only models.  This is a quite decent example combining a couple outlier features. 

Pen 2276 Parker Vacuum-Filler Crystal $425  SOLD

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Modest amber
Point:   Fine . Imprint:  Light Size: 5 7/8" 12.6 cm
PRICE: $425
COMMENTS:  OK.  These are tough. The Parker Vacuum-Filler is the predecessor to the Vacumatic , proper, and is a sub-1-year model.  I refer to it- a bit tongue in cheek-  as the 0th generation Vac.  The CRYSTAL was produced in response- per Parker- to customer fondness for dealer Demonstrator models. Indeed, today the Crystal sometimes is confused for the very similar Demo.

This one has clean trim, ambered barrel (deep ruby translucency) and a mostly legible, light imprint.  It has the proper  non-arrow nib marked "Parker Vacuum-Filler". Something of an "advanced" pen for the serious Vac Nut.

Pen 3011-S  Parker Vacumatic Debutante 3rd Gen 1944  $180 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Crisp, Uncommon "Stacked Coin" Cap-band

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate
Point: Medium Imprint: Extra Fine Size: 4 5/8" 11.8 cm
COMMENTS: The high-line small Vacumatic from the 3rd Generation, this one also has the uncatalogued and  relatively uncommon lined "Stacked Coin" cap-band. Extensive observational research shows this cap-band to appear on 1942-3 so-called "Vacu-Fold" pens (striped Duofolds with Vacumatic trim and markings), 1942-3 Shadow-Wave Vacs and 1942-6 typically striped Vacs (yes, there is evidence excluding cap-swaps as source of seemingly later use of this cap-band in the final category).   Most silver-pearl vacs have heavily worn chrome trim, that just does not take polish the way gold-filled does. This pen has very crisp trim, decent color and moderate amber clarity. A nice example. Responsive, full medium nib.

Pen 3040 JB Parker Vacumatic "3rd Size "Jeweler's"  Band"  1941  $295 SOLD
A well recognized, uncatalogued, factory original variant.  Superb.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM
Threads: Perfect clarity: none left
Point:  F-M responsive Imprint:  NM Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $295 
COMMENTSThe so-called "Jeweler's" cap-band is a well known, uncatalogued, factory original feature found on some  Vacumatic, "Striped" Duofold and "Toothbrush" Duofold pens. It is an extra wide lined cap-band with broad upper and lower edges and with  large cartouche for optional engraving.   The third size, such as this one,  is the odd-duck of the four Vacumatic sizes. The same size as a 3rd Generation Vacumatic Major or 2nd Generation Junior, it appears to be an upscaled Vac Junior, with size, nib and black top jewel from that pen, but with blue diamond clip. I am pleased (it took 8 years) to have a complete collection of 16 blue diamond Vacumatics with this cap-band (four pen sizes and four colors).  Jeweler's Band pens are well more scarce than pens with typical cap-band.

This one has superb color. No brassing is present. There still is some of the clear "lacquer" on the cap-band found on Vacs and Duofolds sometimes found from the 1940-42 period. The pen has the inverted "1" date code seen on some 1941 Parkers.  A "better" Vac and the first blue with this cap-band I've had on the website in years. Great eye appeal.  Despite the superb color and trim, I note that no barrel transparency remains. Smooth fine to fine-medium nib. 

Pen 3174 - NB Parker Vacumatic Junior 1946  $170 SOLD
3rd Generation. The standard-size non Blue Diamond model. Azure Blue Celluloid
Smooth Extra Fine Point

Overall Grade:  Excellent
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point: XF to F Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $170
COMMENTS The 3rd Generation Vacumatic Junior and Major make excellent "first Vacs" for collectors, offering decent size and affordable price, differing from each other only in trim style  and nib contour.  This one pops. Bright blue celluloid. Great clarity. Nib that pushes Extra Fine line (narrower line certainly than most of the fine points).  Very fine points often are scratchy. This one is not. Rather, it is very smooth. 

Pen 3078 R Parker Vacuum-Filler "Senior"  All-Correct
Pre-Vacumatic. Standard Size. Burgundy Pearl 1933 
$615 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc. CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
threads: Perfect clarity: NA
Point:  Medium Imprint: Exc Size  5 1/8 " 12.9 cm PRICE: $615  SOLD
COMMENTS:  In 1932-mid 1933, before introducing the Vacumatic name, Parker called it's vac-family pens, Vacuum-Filler. These pre-vacs are uncommon.  This one is the longest of the three sizes, all of which have the same diameter. The other two sizes have double cap-bands. Parker did call this model "Senior Vacuum-Filler" though I note that the pen is same size as the later "Standard Vacumatic", and I note that no oversized Vacuum-Filler was produced.  This pen is opaque with single-piece barrel-section assembly, as are all Vacuum-Fillers in typical Burgundy Pearl.  The model, too, should not be confused with the 1936 model "Vacumatic Senior".

Regarding Vacuum-Filler,  it is important for collectors to avoid frankenpens, usually a mix of middle-size cap and standard barrel, or vice-versa.   This one is all-there with early style clip
( "short stack, arrow-on-arrow) , early style nib ("feather together") and early style (chromed) pump. Imprint is much more sharp tha average.  A neat pen for the "advancing" collector of the Vacumatic. Oh... yeah.  Really smooth wet medium point- a great writer-  though this pen should be cherished primarily for its collectable significance.

Pen 3080 J Parker Vacumatic Standard  $255 SOLD
1st Generation. Burgundy. Canadian  1938
Monster Nib Alert: Flexible Double-Broad+ nib

Overall Grade: User-Grade*
Metal: Nearmint Color: Nearmint. CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
threads: Perfect clarity: NA
PointMONSTER NIB Imprint: Nearmint Size  5 1/8 " 13.9cm PRICE: $255
COMMENTS:  As most of my pendom acqainteaces know, I am fond of high-line 1st GenerationVac which feature lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, and all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib).  The gripping section on Standard is heftier than that found on the later niche-equivalent, Major.  This one has a black gripping section, which is wholly correct for pens of this sort from Canada.

User Grade:  Nice color and clean trim, save for some cap-band wear, this one has nice color and clarity, though with a faint imprint. The key problem is a hairline cap-crack (below the cap-bands at the lip), which has been solvent welded, though is still a bit noticeable.   Cap cracks are a significant condition issue.  Thus, this pen grades Fine*/User-Grade, recognizing the flaw.

MONSTER NIB: Heck, the nib is worth couple hundred. One-in-one-hundred, though exotic nibs admittedly crop up more often amongst Canadian pens.  I probably should toss the nib in a black pen and put a typical nib in this one, and might yet pop a clean cap on this pen to bump the ol' price, but for the moment this is as it returned from the restorer.

Pen 3111 R: Parker Vacumatic "late" 3rd Generation  1952 Canadian
Burgundy Celluloid. FLEX Nib (fine up to broad)  $215 SOLD

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Mint CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Good-VG
Threads: Exc clarity: Mint
Point: Fine FLEX Imprint: WEAK Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $215
COMMENTSBurgundy Pearl last appeared in USA Parker catalogues in 1940, though 1941 pens are both well known and prevalent, and even rare (I've seen 4 total in ten years hunting) first quarter 1942 single jewel "long" Major and "long" streamlined Standard are known.  Most collectors thus figure their single jewel collections will comprise 5 colors not 6. However, Parker continued Vacumatic production in Canada until 1953, not stopping in 1948 as in the USA. Pens after 1948 of course lack the blue diamond, even in models that once had it.

By 1950 Parker created a new 2-digit date code (lopping off the "19" from 195x for the year, stamping the final two digits of the actual year to serve as date code).  Canada in 1950 reintroduced Burgundy. While these late Vacs thus had some style tweaks relative to most 3rd generation pens, it is thus possible to add red Vacs to one's collection of 3rd Gen Vac Major and Debutante (I know of know Maximas produced this late, in any color), by embracing this late Canadian finding.

Many late Canadian pens, often returning to the USA from southern continents, are heavily worn and rather sun-fried.  This one is... ok.  It has superb color and  barrel clarity. The trim has bit of edge brassing.   Imprint  below average with about half of it gone. Nib a bit rough here and there, but has smooth highly flexible point that can go from Fine to Broad.

Pen 3159  Parker Vacumatic Major "Injector" Pencil $150 SOLD
Canadian. Burgundy. Likely Manufactured Only Couple Months

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Nearmint Color:  NA CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Clutch:  Exc clarity: NA Plastic: extra fine
Point:  NA Imprint: Exc Size:5 5/16" 13.2  cm PRICE: $150
COMMENTSIn the USA Injector Vac Pencils were made probably only early 1939, maybe late 1938, too. They were done only to match high-line pen models, though in Canada we also find such pencils with trim to match economy-line pens. This one is a clean Major pencil with strong imprint (no date code) and with clean trim. The top jewel is black, though I would expect (at least for USA-made pens) for it to be striped. On the other hand, the pen that came with this pencil also had black jewels, so... go try to figure those rascally Parker-Canada people.

Pen 3161  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Pencil  $185 SOLD
Burgundy Celluloid. 1937

Overall Grade:  Excellent
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
threads:  Exc clarity: NA
Point: NA Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"  12.9 cm
PRICE: $185 
COMMENTS:  Senior Maxima was one of the first three pens to mark the appearance of the 2nd Generation Vacs, appearing in ads August 1937 and found at the earliest with 2nd-Quarter-1937 date codes.  The first Senior Maxima pencils were derived from the earlier 1st-Generation Standard pencils, different only in cap-band. Early Sr. Max pencils use the wide (1.1mm) lead and feature a lead-eraser cartridge within. This one is quite clean. Nice color. No brassing. Sound imprint.

Pen 3126- S Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Generation 1947 $140 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Minimal Red
Point: Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $340
COMMENTS: 3rd Generation Major and Junior offer nice combination of good size and reasonable price, making for popular "first Vac" status.  This one has nice color and smooth fine point. Not much barrel clarity left.

Pen 3165 -NB Parker Vacumatic Standard 1936 $260 SOLD
  Golden-Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Modest Amber
Point:  XF-F Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $260
COMMENTSI'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band. This one is excellent all around. Sharp color, trim, imprint, two-tone nib effect etc.  Very fine nib (I call it FIne-to-Extra-Fine) that is remarkably smooth for such a narrow point.

Pen 3058  Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Gen. Azure Blue  $ 145 SOLD
Nice Nib!  Has Earlier 1941 Two Tone Nib with Med-Stubbish Point

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Modest Red
Point: Med+ Stubbish Imprint: VG Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $ 145
COMMENTS Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure is the most highly sought color amongst the five regularly produced colors during the 1942-1948 era. Imprint about half there. Some wear and couple marks where barrel meets blind cap. Has earlier (and thus "better") two tone Major nib from 1941 with an impressive, responsive, medium point with something of a stub quality.

Pen 2899  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1944  $165  SOLD
 Anomalous "Long Canadian" Variant.

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc (USA)
Threads: perfect clarity: Minimal
Point: Fine Imprint: Extra Fine Size: 5 3/8" 13.4 cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. It is well known that 1942 Majors carried over the "Long" measurements found for  1939-1941 second generation pens.  What is a bit surprising is that the occasional Canadian pen from 1944-1946-- both Major AND Junior (which never had been done "long")-- turn up in the long size.  A subtle variation for those who care; I find 'em charming. Go figure.   This one is pretty clean. Nice trim and imprint. Bit of red clarity. Firm fine point (nib is USA not Canada). 

Pen 2851-J  Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard 1936  $220 SOLD
1946 Golden Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  ExtraFine
Metal: ExtraFine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity: Moderate Ruby
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $220
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band. Bit of brassing to blind cap. Very clean clip. Color well better than average for sensitive Silver Pearl.

Pen 2585 Parker Vacumatic Junior 2nd Gen 1941  $400 SOLD
 A truly rare and uncatalogued variant
Striped Duofold Plastic on a fat Vacumatic

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: Moderate Amber
Point:  F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm
PRICE: $400
COMMENTS: Where to start?  I don't want to write a chapter, so do email me if further questions aftere reading this. This pen is an uncatalogued variant Vacumatic Junior. In ten years collecting I've owned or have seen three total. Identical in contour to either the striped or Shadow-Wave 1941 Junior, the pen is done with "vertical stripes" barrel transparency. This is NOT a late use of the butcher-blocked striped "Longitudinal Windows" from 1934-5, which has black wide gaps after 4-5 stripes. This appears to be the black plastic used on striped Duofold in 1941 only. This is NOT a "Vacufold", which is a Duofold with Vacumatic markings- those pens are thinner and of different general appearance. This is a Vac Junior (fatter pen).  This is an advanced pen, and- outside of my own occasional commentary about it-  is not cited  in all pendom literature which I've examined.  And in the big pic, that line on the cap in the left is shadow, not a  crack :)

Pen 2529 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1945  $165 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. This one packs a nice medium nib.
Pen 1375 Parker Vacumatic Junior (larger size) Gray Marbled Celluloid $195  SOLD
Overall Grade: Extra Fine Metal:  excellent  Color:  Excellent  CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Excellent Threads:  Perfect cap threads. Transparency:  bright amber clarity Click if link is hot, for more info
Point: Fine  Imprint:   exc Size:  4 7/8" by 1/2" PRICE: $195
COMMENTS:  From 1934-1939 Parker produced Vacs in patterns other than the typical  lattitudinal stripes. That these catalog-documented patterns appear largely   on Junior line pens adds to the charm of the Junior line vacs which featured fewer "luxury" features, but the same solid Vac construction. The larger 1st generation lockdown-fill pen like this one is the same diameter as a Vac Standard but runs about 1/8"  - 1/4" shorter. The black gripping section is nearly as large as that of a later Senior Maxima and is larger than that of the later Major. This is a squat pen, providing a lot of grip area for the buck.  The typical weak points of this series are not present here. The chrome-tone trim is well more clean than what is seen typically. A slight mark on the cap is noted where the clip moved against plastic.  See if you can find it. Blind cap alignment is about 98%. Couiple light umarks to blind cap plastic.   

Pen 2573R Parker Vacumatic. 1st Gen Oversize $675 SOLD
 Golden Pearl Celluloid 1936

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  Exc clarity: Extra Fine
Point:F-M Firm Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 5/8" 14.1 cm
COMMENTSThe Largest pen from the 1st Generation, the Oversize has maximum dimensions similar to the later Senior Maxima, but its chunkier contour renders it of larger look and feel. Gripping section is larger than is found in the Senior Maxima.  This one is very clean. No brassing, nice color and decent clarity (reddish-orange clarity). Nib is "Parker USA" not "USA Parker" so probably year or so later issue than the pen.

Pen 3047 JB Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major  $150 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM
Threads: perfect clarity: Nice red-orange
Point: Fine-Med Imprint: Excellent Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $150
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. This one has great color and nice clarity. Hint of wear to top of clip-washer.

Pen 3059  Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Gen. Black 1943  $115 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Minimal Red
Point: F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $115
COMMENTS:Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Nice basic black pen with fine-med nib 

Pen 3066 E Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen.
Black Celluloid 4th Quarter 1948 $185 SOLD

Overall Grade: Nearmint
Metal: Nearmint Color:  Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point:  Fine-Medium Imprint:  Superb Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $185

Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.   Superb color, imprint and clarity.  This one packs a responsive fine-medium nib. The angle of the camera relative to the stripes underrepresents the barrel clarity. Mild ambering only by the sac. Responsive fine-medium point.  4th quarter, 1948 was the very end of Vacumatic production in the USA.

Pen 3071 -E  Parker Vacumatic Major 1948  $195 SOLD
Superb Barrel Clarity. Nearmint (Mint/Dipped)

Overall Grade:  Nearmint+
Metal: Mint Color: Mint CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads: Mint clarity: Mint
Point: F-M Responsive Imprint: Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $195
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Superb color, imprint and clarity.  Last year of Vac production in USA though not the final quarter. This one is in simply superb shape. No ink traces when I dipped it. Possibly mint. Fully restored with full warranty, but may not be returned for refund if inked/dipped.

Pen 2893-S   Parker Vacuum-Filler (0th Generation Vac)  $550 SOLD
STUBBY Model.  Silver-Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Fine+
Metal: Extra Fine Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:    pending Imprint:  Exc Size: STUBBY ~ 4.5"
PRICE: $550
COMMENTS:  The "Stubby" Vacumatic-family pens are amongst my favorite. These have standard girth (same as Vacumatic Standard and early Vacumatic Junior lines) but are much shorter than typical standard-girth pens.  The Stubby  is well recognized from the overwhelmingly scarce Parker Golden-Arrow,  from Vacuum-Filler (obviously) and from early ("first year") Vacumatic. Also, pens appear with 1937-9 date codes, part of the hypothesized "parts blow out" period.  On the whole they are well more scarce than longer standard-girth pens and are not to be confused with slender Debutante, etc.  As with all non-black two-band pre-Vacumatics, this one has high-line features (unlike 2-band Vacumatic, proper) with striped celluloid, matching endpieces and gripping section (which is of one piece with the barrel)

This one is quite decent... for a Vacuum-Filler in Silver Pearl.  Legible imprint. OK color with "typical" barrel ambering. OK trim.  Note-  I will complete description and nib grade when home from travels. I did not wish for this pen to miss the update. Buyers may reserve it but may opt out if surprises develop with final review of pen.

Pen 2896- WD  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Junior   $160 SOLD
Emerald Pearl  Celluloid 1947

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Exc
PointF-M Imprint:  Extra Fine Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $160
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. They differ only in trim and orginal price point, being of same size.  Clean pen with excellent trim, including those thin cap-bands, often a sore point. Imprint is sharp save for "MADE in USA". Great color and clarity (underrepresented in the photo). Nice smooth writer.

Pen 3022 R Parker Vacumatic Senior 1936  $ SOLD
Burgundy Pearl. Scarce. ALL Correct Parts.

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Exc
Point: F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
COMMENTSA very high cachet Vac model, the Senior is essentially the predecessor to Slender Maxima and is a one year model with OS nib jammed in standard girth first generation pen that has a more streamlined contour than usual for first generation,  a harbinger to the  introduction of 2nd Generation the following year. Many of these turn up with seemingly incorrect parts. This one is all correct, with OS nib and with  proper blind cap. Superb condition. Excellent clarity. Etc. I've owned maybe four of these in ten years, and handled/seen just a couple more. Far more scarce than OS or Senior Maxima.

Pen 2989-S  Parker Vacumatic 1945 Azure Blue  $160  SOLD
Medium+ Point (nearly/arguably full broad)

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: VG
Threads:  Exc clarity: Exc Amber
Point: Medium+ Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $160
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Quite plump medium+ line (nearly broad) wet writer.

Pen 2998-S  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen. Golden Pearl  1945 $170 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Superb
Point:  Medium Imprint:  Superb Size: 5 1/8" 12.8 cm
PRICE: $170
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  This one packs a nice medium nib. Superb color, imprint and clarity. Nice writer with nib bordering full medium.

Pen 3027-R  Parker Vacumatic Junior 1st Generation $375 SOLD
Burgundy Mottled. Nearmint. Superb Clarity. Original Box

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Perfect clarity: Moderate
Point: Medium Imprint: Extra Fine Size: 4 7/8" 12.4 cm
COMMENTS: Introduced 1934, the economy line first generation Vacs (Junior and Slender Junior) offered colors/patterns not found in high line pens.  Often considered (wrongly) to be mottled color/black, the barrels in fact are mottled with color and transparent plastic.   It is not easy to find them with superb clarity, though they do turn up.  This burgundy larger Junior  is amongst the best 4-5 I've played with during the last ten years.

Pen 3016-S  Parker Vacumatic  Golden Pearl 1945  $165 SOLD
Uncommon Seamed Cap Plastic found on some late 1945-early 1946 pens

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point: Lush Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
PRICE: $245 
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  Seamed plastic seems to crop up mid 1945-early 1946, often just on cap or barrel.  Appears to represent a trial with new process to making the rod stock. This one has the seamed cap. Lush medium point.

Pen 2895- WD  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major  $175 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid 1946

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity: Superb
Point: F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $175
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Clean pen with excellent trim and barrel clarity (poorly shown in the photo). Smooth Fine-Med Point

Pen 1884 Parker Vacumatic Debutante. Double Jewel.
2nd Generation Pen. Emerald Pearl Celluloid   $145 SOLD

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  Exc clarity:    Minimal
Point:  Medium Imprint:  ExtraFIne Size: 4 5/8"
COMMENTSA high-line pen introduced in 1938, this 1938-1941 2nd generation pen exists in six color.  In nice shape, this one has good color  and well-preserved two-tone effect on the nib.  Bottom Tassie has some high point brassing and couple small dings. Mild wear to the plastic.  Note that the pump unit is of slightly later plastic.

Pen 2845-R  Parker Vacumatic 2nd Generation Major 1939 $340 SOLD
STAR CLIP with appropriate barrel date code for this "not so common"  variant.
Burgundy Pearl

Overall Grade:  ExtraFine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Mild. barrel has been personalized
Point:   FIne Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $340 
COMMENTS:  Major saw greater evolution than any other Vacumatic model. Counting length, clip, jewel, section, etc, I likely can identify 9 key variants done during the 1937-1948 USA run. The 1939 Major is as long as the Slender Maxima model (causing no small confusion to many collectors). The Star Clip is believed to have been Parker's first attempt at a warranty/life-time symbol (a la Sheaffer's white dot), rapidly replaced by the Blue Diamond clip. Star Clip is found on first quarter 1939 high line models, and appears to have been "blown out" later with leftover clips used on economy line pens in later 1939.   This one is a clean burgundy Major. Razor imprint. Nice color.   I note the pen is personalized with a script name (small thin letters. Not intrusive)  on side opposite the barrel imprint. Cap trim quite clean. Some brassing to bottom tassie.  Matching early "9" date code on clean two tone nib.

Pen 2845 Parker Vacumatic Major Injector pencil 1939. Early 1939  $105 SOLD
Burgundy Pearl

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads:  perfect clarity: NA
Point:   NA Imprint:  VG Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $105
COMMENTS:  Uncommon Vac Pencil likely produced just a couple months. Price discounted for light imprint and couple noticeable marks to the plastic. This variant is a correct match to Star Clip Major pen. So....  take this with the Star Clip pen and figure a $25 discount on the pencil.

Pen 2854 Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard. $345 SOLD
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:  Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $345
COMMENTS:   I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band.

Pen 2868  Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard Pencil.  1938 $90 SOLD
1936 Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:   NA Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $90
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band. This pencil matches first generation Standard pens to make set.  Date code on barrel indicating late  1938 production. This pencil also likely makes a kosher match for the "Streamlined" Standard 2nd Gen pen.  If ordered along with pen 2867 to make a set, take $25 discount.

Pen 2841-R  Parker Vacumatic 1st Generation Slender . $155 SOLD
 Burgundy  Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Extrafine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: VG
Threads:  Fine clarity: Minimal
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 5/8" 11.7 cm
PRICE: $155
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Burgundy is considered a "better' color. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band.  Writes a smooth fine line.  Clean metal. Ambering to barrel though color still respectable. Nib has a thin nick across the arrow shaft.

Pen 2849 Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard. $275  SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:    Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens.  Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band.

Pen 2852 Parker Vacumatic 1st Generation Standard. $75 Withdrawn for now
Emerald Pearl Pencil

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:    Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $75
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objetively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band.   This pencil matches  the Standard first generation pen, takes the more plump (1.1mm) early lead, has a simple feather clip, and packs a striped matching jewel.

Pen 2850-J   Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard. 1936  $275 SOLD
 Golden Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Exc Amber
Point:   Fine-med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objectively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. This one is a clean Golden Pearl.  Early high line Vacs pack the "luxury" features which add charm to the series:  two tone nib, striped end jewels and gripping section, and triple cap-band.  Very clean pen with excellent color, trim, imprint. Nib has only light two-tone effect remaining. Particularly smooth fine-medium point.  

Pen 2869-M  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major   $165 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point: F Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run, though the cachet spread is not so great in this late era.

Pen 2870-M  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1944   $165
Emerald Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity: SUPERB
Point Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Emerald Pearl is considered a "better" color , though the cachet spread is not so great in this late era.  This one has superb barrel transparency, poorly shown in the photo.

Pen 2871-M Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major   $165 SOLD
Emerald Pearl  Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Extra Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point: Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Emerald Pearl is considered a "better" color , though the cachet spread is not so great in this late era.

Pen 2338 Parker Vacumatic Slender Junior 1st Generation  $150  SOLD
Marbled Emerald Pearl. 1946

Overall Grade:  Extra-Fine
Metal: Extra-Fine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity:  Ezc
Point: Fine Smooth wet. Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 5/8" 12.2cm
PRICE: $150 
COMMENTS:  A clean example of an early lock-down-filler Vac done in non-striped celluloid. Nice yellow transparency. Smooth wet writing nib. Some brassing only on bottom tassie.

Pen 2635  Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima $525 SOLD
 Golden Pearl Celluloid 1940

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: Exc clarity: Modest
Point: F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
COMMENTSThe Big Vac from the 2nd Generation of Vacs. 

Pen 2586 Parker Vacumatic 1st Gen Standard. $275 SOLD
1946 Golden Pearl Celluloid. 

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Minimal
Point:   Med Flex+ Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of first generation pens, as the chunkier-vs-later contour yields a larger look and feel (objetively larger gripping section) than later similar niche pens. This one is a clean Golden Pearl. The nib is a much later nib, indeed with  post-send-of-series 1953-date. I left it in the pen rather than swapping it out for one of my spare two tone 1930's nibs, as it packs a high flex medium point. A gem writer.

Pen 2561R Parker Vacumatic Standard 1st Generation 1937  $295  SOLD
Jet Black Celluloid. MONSTER NIB ALERT-  high flex nib

Overall Grade: Exc
Nib condition: Exc+
Threads: Exc clarity:  modest red
Point: F-B+ high flex 2-tone Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $295
COMMENTS: A classic first generation pen, my favorite Vac era, at least this week. The nib is 1 in 100, a USA-made two tone Vac nib with remarkable flexibility. Very clean pen. Trim great save for bottom tassie only with bit of edge brassing. Clean plastic and near mint nib. Gem writer.

Pen 2562R Parker Vacumatic Junior 1st Gen Shadow Wave $275 SOLD
 Golden Pearl Celluoid. Actually, somewhat uncommon variant.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
threads:  Perfect clarity: Moderate Amber
Point: Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 7/8" 12.5cm
PRICE: $275
COMMENTS: Shadow Wave first appeared in the 1938 catalogue, though i've seen couple dated end of 1947. By mid 1938 the Wave switched to 2nd Generation styling, resulting in just a 6 month or so run for the 1st Generation Wave. Often found worn with brassing to the two thin cap-bands. This one is very clean with no brassing, nice color and excellent imprint.

Pen 2539 Parker Vacumatic 2nd Generation Major 1941  $290 SOLD
Emerald Celluloid. Double Jewel. Nearmint Condition.

Overall Grade: nearmint
Metal: Superb Color: Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: nearmint
Threads perfect clarity: Nearmint
Point:   F-M. TwoTone Imprint:  NM Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
COMMENTS:  An all-correct 1941 Double Jewel 2nd Gen pen in superb condition. Striped top jewel, Two tone nib with near perfect platinum mask, clean trip, superb barrel clarity underrepresented in the photo and correct bottom "pseudojewel". An Eye Popper

Pen 2533 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1944 $165 SOLD
 Azure Blue  Celluloid.  

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Extra Fine
Point: F-M  Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm PRICE: $165
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Smooth wet writer.Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Nice fine-medium nib with slightest hint of flex lends a responsive feel. Barrel has greater clarity than the image suggests. Rich color

Pen 2534 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1945 $180 SOLD
 Emerald Pearl Celluloid.   Vacsoterica Alert

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity: Nearmint
Point: XF-F Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 13 cm PRICE: $180 
COMMENTSThird Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  Overall a sweet pen nearly near mint in condition with superb barrel clarity, underrepresented by the photo. Also,  a 1945 pen, it features seamed celluloid in this case cap only, a feature found on some 1945 pens (either cap, barrel, or both).  Very fine point, nice note taker.

Pen 2538 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1946  $195 SOLD
 Emerald  Pearl Celluloid.

Overall Grade: Nearmint
Metal: Exc Color:  Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM
Threads:  Exc clarity: Superb
Point: Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $195 
COMMENTS Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  This one is superb, nearmint still with price sticker residue net to the clip. Color and clarity are top notch.

Pen 2541 Parker Vacumatic Major 1952  $175 SOLD
Canadian Production. The last of the Vacs, matey. Vacsoterica alert

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:  Superb
Point: F-M SemiFlex Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
COMMENTS:  Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost.  USA ceased Vac production in 1948. Canada ran through 1953. The non blue diamond clip is correct as the BD phased out 1948. This one has great clarity and color, and has much better imprint than typically found on the late Canadian pens. Nice responsive nib

Pen 2544  Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major 1946  $165  SOLD
 Azure Blue Celluloid.
Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads perfect clarity:    Exc
Point: XF- Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $165
COMMENTS:   Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. Clean pen with very nice barrel clarity. Quite fine point good for note scribble.

Pen 2578 Parker Vacumatic Major 1945   $190 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. Uncatalogued "Stacked Coin " Cap-band

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
threads  Exc clarity: Modest ruby
Point: Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13 cm
PRICE: $190
COMMENTS:   Third Generation Vacumatic Major and Junior are popular entry-to-series pens, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the pen with greatest collector cachet from the regular issue USA 3rd Gen run. This one packs a nice medium nib. The stacked coin capband is a relatively uncommon variant band.

Pen 2434 Parker Vacumatic Oversized Pencil $195  SOLD
Black Celluloid. 1935

Overall Grade: XF
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads perfect clarity:    NA
Point:  NA Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.5cm
PRICE: $195
COMMENTS:  Early Triple-band OS Vacs are well less common than later Senior Max.   Pencils are less common than pens.   There ya go.  This one is a ncie big pencil, to match any of the three clarity patterns found in the pen.  Date code indicates 1935 production.  Deep imprint, clean trim. Couple scratches on plastic. Has proper removable lead cartridge, no longer with eraser though.

Pen 2468R Parker Vacumatic Major 3rd Gen   $115 SOLD
Black Celluloid. 1944

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity: Fine
Point: F-M Firm Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $115
COMMENTS:  Excellent example of a third generation Vac Major, a popular entry-to-series model, as it provides decent size pen at reasonable price. This one is clean, with smooth Fine-Medium typical Vac nib. Barrel clarity a bit better than is suggested by the photo.

Pen 2482R Parker Vacumatic. 3rd Gen "Long" Major 1942 $215 SOLD
 A "One-Year"-ish variant carryover from 2nd Generation

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  bit subdued CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  Exc clarity: Near Mint
Point:F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6 cm
PRICE: $215
COMMENTSWhilst the Single Jewel era ran 1942-1948, 1942 Majors are bit different from later pens, as they maintain the long rod-stock from the last few years of the 2nd Generation, with two tone nib found at least through mid year.  Barrel clarity is superb (poorly shown in photo)

Pen 2313 Parker Vacumatic 3r Generation  Major $160 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid.

Overall Grade:  User Grade
Metal: Exc Color:  Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  modest ruby
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $160 
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is a high cachet color. Nice writer

Pen 2138 Parker Vacumatic Junior  1946  $225 SOLD
Mint* pen. Golden Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation

Overall Grade: Mint*
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Perfect
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Mint Size 5 1/8" 12.8cm PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  The Vacumatic  Junior is the standard sized non-lifetime-guaranteed version of the Major. This one is part of the Mint pre-New-Old-Stock hoard i'd picked up some years ago, all without nibs and feeds. Slowly, i've acquired nearmint (mint in some cases) nibs and clean feeds, and shuffled the pens over to Ron Zorn to make whole. I personally scrubbed, ultrasounded and flushed the feeds removing all traces of ink).   This one DOES have a fresh sac and is fully usable, but may not be returned if inked, as  the pen itself has never met ink.

Pen 2139 Parker Vacumatic Junior  1946  $225 SOLD
Mint* pen. Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation

Overall GradeMint* Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM open gold
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Perfect
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  The Vacumatic  Junior is the standard sized non-lifetime-guaranteed version of the Major. This one is part of the Mint pre-New-Old-Stock hoard i'd picked up some years ago, all without nibs and feeds. Slowly, i've acquired nearmint (mint in some cases) nibs and clean feeds, and shuffled the pens over to Ron Zorn to make whole. I personally scrubbed, ultrasounded and flushed the feeds removing all traces of ink).   This one DOES have a fresh sac and is fully usable, but may not be returned if inked, as  the pen itself has never met ink.

Pen 2022 Parker Vacumatic Mottled Junior. Larger Size   $345   SOLD
Monster Transparency Alert

Overall Grade: Nearmint
Metal: nearmint Color:  Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Superb Plastic: Perfect
Point:  Fine Imprint:  Perfect Size: 5 7/8"
PRICE: $345 
COMMENTS:  About the most transparent mottled i've had up on the website (yah, i admit i do own a stickered minty one at home that gives this run for money). Clarity if anything is underrepresented in the pic. This one pops. The white trim- often a weak point- glows. Shows why so many silver pearls are out there. They look nice when they are clean :-)

Pen 1763 Parker Vacumatic 1st Generation Junior
Mottled Silver Celluloid. Excellent clarity. Larger Size Junior   $345 SOLD

Overall Grade: NM
Nib condition: NM
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NM
Point:   Medium Imprint:  NM Size: 4 5/6"
COMMENTSToday often bedeviled by heavy ambering and wear to that unpolishable white trim, the collector does not have an easy job finding crisp early mottled Vacumatic Juniors.  But, when found, they make a for pleasant acquisitions.  This one is a gem in all respects.

Pen 1787 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 
Emerald Pearl Celluloid   $150 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    minimal
Point: Smooth Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $150 
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty.

A nice-writing smooth fine-medium pen, this one has sound color and trim, with limited transparency and excellent imprint

Pen 1734 Parker Vacumatic standard sized Junior. 3rd Generation  $285 SOLD
Absolutely Mint, with Price Sticker.

Overall Grade: Mint
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint Threads:  perfect clarity:    Mint
Point:  Fine
Imprint:  perfect Size: 5 1/8"
PRICE: $285
COMMENTSThird generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty.  Despite easy access to this sort of pen, it is not at all easy to find true mint examples.

This one pops, showing why silver pearl celluloid seems so prevalent today. While most found today are faded and dingy, when they were fresh they were eye catchers.  This one is... mint. It has original sac and fills with water, but if you plan to use regularly, placement of a new sac is recommended. I can have this done for extra $25. Pen may not be returned if inked or dipped. Water testing is fine.

Pen 2444R Parker Vacumatic Standard. 3rd Generation 1946  $250 SOLD
An uncatalogued and uncommon variant. Vacsoterica Alert

Overall Grade:  Extrafine
Metal: Excellent Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:  Exc
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $250
COMMENTS:  A Vac Anomaly- uncatalogued but well recognized by those who know, and... not amenable to assembly from mixed parts. This is a late Streamlined Standard, featuring the triple cap-band last catalogued for first generation pens in 1938, but whose cap (shape, threads, length) is that of the third generation. Amongst the thousands of Vacs i've handled, i've seen perhaps 20 total of this type. Most are black or silver pearl, though I have seen one or two Emerald pens along the way.  The barrel and clip are that of typical non-lifetime Vac from this era. An oddity for those who covet Vacs well away from the mainstream.  Metal, imprint, clarity all superb.  Some light marks to the plastic noted. Typical fine-medium Vac nib.

Pen 2426R Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major Set-in-Box 1943
Emerald Pearl Celluloid (early variant color). Pen has Price Sticker  $235 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Thread: perfect clarity:  ExtraFine
Point:  Full Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13cm
PRICE: $235 
COMMENTSThe 3rd Generation Vac Major and Vac Junior are popular first Vacs for collectors, packing classic look, decent size, and reasonable price. This set packs a few charming features.  With a first quarter 1943 date code, it was manufactured just at the switch time for Emerald Pearl from  the earlier bluish green to later olive green. The set has the earlier color. The WW-II era box is quite clean. After shooting the pic, i found buried under the tray the pen's original price sticker, which i can reattach to pen for you or include free floating. A nice medium smooth point and fresh restoration don't hurt. 

Pen 2475R Parker Vacumatic Major 2nd Generation   $235 SOLD
Double Jewel. Jet Black. Very Clean.

Overall Grade:Exc+
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads perfect clarity:   Exc+
Point: Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size 5 3/8"  13.6cm
PRICE: $235
COMMENTS: A superb example of the longer (1939-1941) 2nd Generation (1937-1941) Major. Very crisp in all respects. Clarity actually better than the already impressive amount captured in the picture. This one might be cleaner than the one in my personal collection, but that one is pretty clean too, so i didn't sweat letting this one go.

Pen 2461R  Parker Vacumatic  Standard $285 SOLD
 1st Generation. Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. 1935

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: none left
Point: Medium Semi-Flex Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $285 
COMMENTS:  NiceFirst Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean.  This one has nice color and imprint- including the well recognized "sideways 45" imprint found on 4th quarter 1935 pens. Nib is sweet. Imperfections?  Not transparent. Slight  barrel concavity just where one's index finger presumably pushed against the pen for years and years. 

Pen 2481R Parker Vacumatic standard-size Junior  $195 SOLD
2nd Generation. Double Jewel. Clean Silver Pearl

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:  
Point:  Fine Imprint: Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $195 
COMMENTS:  Clean Silver Pearl Double Jewel Junior.  1939.  has 1942+ plastic plunger. Those who've read my online postings know my "rant" about Silver Pearl... you know... "Silver Pearl tends to underprice other colors because it tends to be more common than other colors, because  the pale plastic tends to show more brassing than other colors and because the white metal trim, once worn, does not polish as well as gold-filled trim.  However, when one finds one in crisp shape with good color and clean trim, it is apparent they are prevalent because they were really quite sharp at time of release and likely sold well back in the day. Really crisp Silver Pearl can outprice other colors today".  
 This one is really crisp.

Pen 2350R Parker Vacumatic 1st Generation Standard Set $265 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: ExtrFine
Threads perfect clarity:  Exc
Point:  Fine  Imprint: nearmint Size: 5 1/8"
PRICE: $265 
COMMENTS:  Nice First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean. Excellent, mildly ambered barrel transparency. Very clean trim. Pencil also is clean and has sharp imprint. Lead cartridge is misisng eraser. Pen date codes early 1938, pencil late 1936.  Nib is clean but has about 1/2 the two-tone effect still in play.

Pen 2358M Parker Vacumatic Standard. 1st Generation  $245 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid. Double Broad, Stub, Flex Monster Nib

Overall Grade:  Fine-Xf
Metal: Clip Brassing Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  MInt clarity:  Modest amber
PointMONSTER NIB  Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9 cm
PRICE: $245 
COMMENTS:  Nice First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean. The "Trade off" on this one. The clip has obvious brassing pretty much from the top of the feathers up to the ring. But....  Killer nib. A monotone "one in a hundred"  early Vac Nib with big honkin' Stub point, with some flex t' boot.  The base line is double broad or so with thin cross strokes from the stub effect. A little pressure and the down strokes widen further. 

Pen 2369M Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Gen  $150
Emerald Pearl Celluloid 1946

Overall Grade:  ExtraFine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity:   none left 
Point: Fine Imprint:  Fine Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $150
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice size pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty. This one has nice color, no clarity remaining, imprint solid save for gone by "made in USA", light trim wear.

Pen 2375  Parker Vacumatic Standard 1st Generation  $240 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid. "Deluxe" features. Lockdown Filler

Overall Grade:  ExtrFine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: ExtrFine
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Slight Red
Point: Lush Medium  Imprint:  Exc+ Size:5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $240 
COMMENTS:  Nice  First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean. This one has bit of brassing to capbands and edge of bottom tassie. Nib has partial two tone effect remaining.  The  nib is the gift. Very smooth medium line. My sort of writer, whatever that means.

Pen 2399R Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation  $140 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid 1946

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Mild
Point:   F-M Imprint:  NM Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $140 
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice size pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty. This one boasts a bonus- a properly dated 1946 two tone nib. Whilst two-tone effect largely ceased to appear in Vacs during 1942, an occasional 1946 crops up.

Pen 2315 Parker Vacumatic 3r Generation  Major $160 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. 1945

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color: Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:  none
Point:   Fine . Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $160 
COMMENTS:    Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is a high cachet color. 

Pen 2322 Parker Vacumatic 3r Generation  Major $130 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. 1945

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Exc Yellow
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $130 
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is a high cachet color.   Excellent clarity (more yellow, less red than pic suggests). Couple nicks and specks of brassing to the clip ring. Cap-band is excellent.  The picture shows some tarnish (NOT brassing). I gave pen a light polish since taking pic; now it has nice bright trim like the others

Pen 1920 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1946
Absolutely Mint, with price sticker residue.  $260 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Mint Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Mint
Point:  Med Imprint:  Perfect Size: 5"
PRICE: $260 
COMMENTSA not uncommon pen in uncommon condition Perfect clarity. Uninked. Still some price sticker residue on cap. May not be returned if inked or dipped. May be water tested Sac appears to function but has not been replaced. Resac can be arranged if desired.

Pen 1747 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation  1943
Emerald Pearl Celluloid  $150 SOLD

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    VG
Point:  Fine-Med Firm Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $150 
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty.

This one is very clean, with "early" style green that leans toward forest green rather than olive green. !943 was about the time the color shifted, so this makes sense.

Pen 1627 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation
Silver Pearl Set.  $165 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extrafine
Metal: NM Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint Threads:  perfect clarity:   

Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  perfect Size: 5"
COMMENTSPen grades EF with great color and trim, with decent imprint (slightlly light at top) and with minimal barrel clarity. The pencil grades Near Mint. Pen has a 1945 date code and pencil 1946. Nice set. Typical nice Vac nib writing a fine-med line.

 Pen 1466 Parker Vacumatic Golden Pearl Celluloid
"Jeweler's" style Cap-band. Third size  $265 SOLD
Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Trim: Extra Fine
Color: Excellent
Nib condition:Exc
Threads:  Perfect.  Clarity: Very Good amber clarity
Point: Fine Imprint:   Extra Fine
Size:   0.5" by 5" PRICE: $265
COMMENTS:  Jeweler's Band Vacs are factory original, despite any inferences one might wish to make from the name. Found in four sizes , this is the "third" size, based on the double jewel Vac Junior with same diameter but slightly shorter  rod stock vs the "second" size pen, base on the Vac Major/Slender Max. No name is engraved on the large cartouche.

Pen 1748 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1942
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. "Long" Variant.  $215  SOLD
Medium Flex Nib 

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   Medium Flex Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $215 
COMMENTSCollecting the well known Vacumatic Major is a non-trivial task.  The model was subject to multiple style tweaks during its 12 year run.  Late 1938-1942 pens are longer than both those which preceded and those which followed. Since 1942 saw the switch to third generation single jewel styling, the first year of the 3rd gen pens (1942) thus show the extra long cap and barrel as a carryover from the second generation.  The color is the earlier sort (forest green vs olive green) as well... no surprise.  A lush medium nib with flex adds a bit of charm, too.

Pen 1898 Parker Vacumatic Major.2nd Generation 1942
Double Jewel "Long" Major  $235  SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Extra Fine
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Extra Fine Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $235 
COMMENTSThe Vacumatic Major was subject to frantic evolution, making it a challenging model to collect. This one dates to around early 1939 (noting slight weakness at right end of imprint and lack of date code on barrel).  All the luxury features: double striped end jewels, striped gripping section and two-tone nib.

Pen 1834 Parker Vacumatic Debutante with "Jeweler's" Style Cap-band
Azure Blue Celluloid. Clean and uncommon  $235 SOLD

Overall Grade: Near Mint
Nib condition: NM2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Fine amber
Point:  Lush Medium Imprint:  Perfect Size: 4 5/8"
PRICE: $235 
COMMENTS:  I'm fond of the "Jeweler's" cap-band vacs, believed to be factory original and packing extra cap-band for the buck.  Four colors and four sizes for blue diamond models. Blue carries the most cachet. Debs are not so easy to find. I've probably owned or even just been aware of no more than 6 or 7 during the last 9 years of hunting. This one is very clean. A Vac for the collector who wants a pen a bit less common than the usual.

Pen 2305 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation $165 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid 1944

Overall Grade:  User Grade
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   Fine. Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.9cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the 3rd Generation color of greatest cachet. 

Pen 2307 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation $135 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid 1944

Overall Grade:  ExtraFine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:  None
Point:   Fine   Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $135 
COMMENTS:   Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the 3rd Generation color of greatest cachet.  Nice wet writer. No brassing  Couple light marks to cap-band and clip ring. Blue Diamond could use a touch up (will do before shipping). 

Pen 2398H Parker Vacumatic 3rd Gen "First Year" "Long" Major   $225  SOLD
 1942. The early style Emerald color, too

Overall Grade: Exrtra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity:    Superb
Point:   Med. Imprint:  NM Size:  5 3/8"  13.6 cm.
PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  There is no  model formally named, "Long Major", but the "long" descriptor is added to differentiate late 1938-1942 pens from earlier and later issue which features shorter stock. Only the "First Year" pens from the third generation feature long rod stock.  This 1942 Major also features the "early" green color, that leans more towards blue (sort of a forest green) than the yellow tint (Olive'ish) found for the remainder of the vacumatic run.  The plastic is very clean on this one and the transparency (hidden by the camera tilt in the photo) also is top notch.   I would have pushed for "near mint' on this one save that the cap-band has couple pin marks.  Very pretty pen. Very nice writer. Subtle variant for the dedicated vac-nut. Clean two-tone fine-medium nib.

Pen 2364M  Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1944  $145 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid.

Overall Grade: ExtraFine
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads: perfect clarity: Moderate
Point: XF-Fine Smooth Imprint:  Exc+ Size: 5 1/2" 13.6cm
COMMENTS:   Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice size pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty.  Azure Blue is the color of greatest cachet from this era. This pen has a slightly darker-than-average rich blue hue. Couple light marks here n' there. Moderate barrel clarity. Smooth point, particularly for such a fine poin.

Pen 2356M Parker Vacumatic 2nd Generation "Long" Major"  1940 $165 SOLD
Azure Blue Double Jewel

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: NM Color:  Extra Fine CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Fine
Threads perfect clarity: Extra Fine personalized "KHA HALL"
Point:   Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  There is no  model formally named, "Long Major", but the "long" descriptor is added to differentiate late 1938-1942 pens from earlier and later issue which features shorter stock.  This pen often is wrongly labelled "Slender Maxima", which is a subtly different pen. Azure Blue was intro'd in 1940, making it the least common color amongst the double jewel Majors.   This one has bit of brassing to the trim on cap band edge, clip arrow and tassie edge. One pin mark to tassie edge, and has a name neatly heat stamped in barrel.  A nice smooth writing monotone bac "arrow" nib, which is later issue than the pen.  Priced nearly half off a "full excellent" pen. Will make a nice user, one far less common than the 3rd Generation single jewel pens i offer more often. 

Pen 2416  Parker Vacumatic Slender 1st Gen $225 SOLD
1937 Lockdown Filler. Early Style Pen. Burgundy Celluloid. Superb.

Overall Grade:  NM
Metal: NM Color: Superb CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NM
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Superb
Point: F-M Imprint:  SHARP Size: 4 3/4 " 12cm
PRICE: $225
COMMENTS:  Nice First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Debutante and hard to find clean. This one... pops. Bright clean color,  great barrel clarity (poorly shown in the pic), lustrous two tone nib.

Pen 2065 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Emerald Pearl  $635 SOLD

Overall Grade: Excellent
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Excellent
Threads:  perfect clarity: Mild Ruby
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $635 
COMMENTS:  A solid, all-correct 2nd Generation Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima. With the late 1939 date code, the pen packs striped top jewel, two tone nib, black gripping section and striped bottom jewel. Trim is very clean with just couple specks of brass to the blind-cap ring (tassie).  Nice writer. 

Pen 2250R Parker Vacumatic Junior. 1st Generation $335 SOLD
Burgundy Shadow Wave. 1938

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Excellent
Point:   F-M firm Imprint:  Exc Size: 4  7/8"  12.4cm
COMMENTS:  Shadow-Wave is a pattern, not a model. It appears on various econo-line models from late 1937 probably through 1943. This one is an all-correct Vacumatic Junior from 1938, produced as a lock-down-fill First Generation pen just six months or so.  Superb color and clarity

Pen 2301 Parker Vacumatic Standard Pen/Slender Pencil  $285 SOLD
Golden Pearl Celluloid. Flexy Nib!  1936

Overall Grade:  Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  moderate ruby
Point:   Fine Flex. Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/4" 13.2cm
PRICE: $285 
COMMENTS:   Clean First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean. This One has an uncommonly flexy nib. Most Vac nibs are nails. I paired it up with a Slender pencils, which is same girth as Standard but is a smidge shorter.

Pen 2302  Parker Vacumatic Standard 1st Generation. $360 SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid. Pen in superb condition.

Overall Grade:  Nearmint
Metal: NM Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Superb
Point:   Fine semi-flex. Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/4" 13.2cm
COMMENTSClean First Generation Vac with lockdown filler, triple cap-bands, all the luxury features (striped section and end jewels, two tone nib). Far less common than the later Major and hard to find clean. Pen nearmint with glorious clarity, perfect color and clean trim.  Pecnil same but for some wear to the cone.

Pen 2306 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation  $115  SOLD
Silver Pearl Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Ex
Threads:  perfect clarity: none
Point: Fine. Wet writer Imprint:  Fine Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $115 
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Nice writer. Some brassing lower edge of cap-band.

Pen 2309 Parker Vacumatic 3r Generation  Major $175 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid. 1945. Two Tone Nib.

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc+
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Exc+
Point:   Fine-Med 2-Tone Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cm PRICE: $175 SOLD
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Azure Blue is the 3rd Generation color of greatest cachet.  Nice wet writer. This one pops. A 1945 pen with 1946 nib, the nib is true two tone (these crop up on 1946 nibs, and continue to cause discussion as to why). Color and clarity are superb. Very clean pen.

Pen 2311  Parker Vacumatic 3r Generation  Major $145 SOLD
Emerald Pearl Celluloid 

Overall Grade:  Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   Fine . Imprint:  Exc Size5 1/8" 12.9cms PRICE: $145 
COMMENTS:  Classic entry-to-the-series pen, providing good size at reasonable cost. Clean Emerald  pen. 

Pen 1890 Parker Vacumatic Major. 2nd Generation Double Jewel. 1938
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid  $340

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Fine
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $340 
COMMENTSIn Major, Burgundy is the color of greatest cachet, though blue is more scarce. This one pops and features a very nice Ron Zorn restoration (as do many pens on this website).  All correct for last quarter of 1939, it packs a striped top jewel, bullseye bottom pseudo-jewel, black gripping section and two tone nib with very well preserved platinum mask.
Pen 1745 Parker Vacumatic Junior. A Standard Size Vac  1952
Azure Blue Celluloid. 3d Generation. "Late" Canadian $135 SOLD

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Fine
Point:  Extra Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty. Vac production stopped in 1948 in the USA but continued on in Canada through 1953.  This one has nice color and clean trim.

Pen 1647 Parker Vacumatic Debutante 2nd Generation 1940  $180
WIth quite uncommon wide smooth cap-band

Overall Grade: VG
Trim: Marked cap-band wear
Nib condition: Exc Threads:  perfect clarity: Not really
later plastic filler unit
Point:  Extra Fine
Imprint:  perfect Size: 4 3/4"
PRICE: $180 
COMMENTSThe smooth-band 2nd gen vacs so far i've seen just in Debutante and Major size, with Major size being more scarce- in fact the only Major i own or have handled with the smooth band is silver pearl, too.  The debs at least appear to follow the pattern set by the so-called "Jeweler's Cap-band" pens and by the later 3rd Generation Stacked-Coin cap-band pens, appearing only in black, silver pearl, golden pearl, and azure blue pearl. In the 6 years i've hunted these only recently did i complete my own 4 pen collection of Debutantes.

This one at risk of minimizing flaw- would grade near excellent, but the capband alone has brassing, heavy wear and speckling of plating covering about the whole band one way or the other. I'm tempted (rare for me) to have it plated.  A funky and somewhat scarce pen.

Pen 1468 Parker Vacumatic Major. 2nd Generation
Emerald Pearl Celluloid 1945 $245
Overall Grade: Excellent Trim:  Exc Color:  Excellent CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Excellent.  Threads:  Perfect  Clarity:  modest amber
Point: Medium Imprint:   Excellent Size:  0.5" by 5" PRICE: $245

Pen 2161 Parker Vacumatic 3rd Generation Major. "Stacked Coin Cap-Band"  1945  $265 SOLD
Monster NIb alert- Double Broad Stub
Vacsoterica alert- Unusual trim and plastic features. 

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Fine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA
Point:   Double Broad Stub Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 13.0cm
COMMENTS:  The 3rd Generation Major (and Junior)  are excellent choices for  entry-to-Vacdom,  providing relatively affordable standard-sized pen.  I wish to avoid long article in this advert, but this one has couple funky features.  

First, it has the  "Stacked Coin" cap-band seen on perhaps 1 in 50 pens from this era.  I note that most models to feature this band pack 1942-1943 date codes. It has long been my speculation (having found a bunch) that when found with the usual circumferential stripes, this cap-band was used as late as 1945-6. However, since caps can swap on barrels, just finding said cap on a 1945 barrel was not strong evidence. Which brings us to the second point.
Second,  the cap features the uncommon "seamed" plastic which so far i've only seen on pens with 1945-6 barrel codes.  Finding this cap-band ont his sort of plastic makes strong argument that indeed for the Major and Debutante (unlike the Shadow-wave and Vacu-fold pens), this cap-band did make to this late date.  Of note, this is the first pen i've owned to combine the Stacked Coin cap-band and the seamed plastic.

Third. Oh yeah, Double broad stub semi flex killer nib. Maybe i should just keep this one after all.

Pen grades fine having couple ticks on the cap-band and couple fine scratches on plastic.

Pen 2185 Parker Vacuum-Filler  $550 SOLD
Burgundy Pearl Celluloid. Largest Size Vacuum-Filer

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Nearmint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA
Point:   Fine Flex. Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/4" 13.2cm
COMMENTS:  : In 1932-mid 1933, before introducing the Vacumatic name, Parker called it's vac-family pens, Vacuum-Filler. These pre-vacs are uncommon.  This one is the longest of the three sizes, all of which have the same diameter. The other two sizes have double cap-bands. This size has tripele.  It is important for collectors to avoid frankenpens, usually a mix of middle-size cap and standard barrel, or vice-versa.   This one is all-there with early style clip, early style nib and early style (chromed) pump. Couple light marks in plastic near back of pen and on cap. Imprint is much more sharp tha average.  A neat pen for the "advancing" collector of the Vacumatic.

Pen 2162 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima  $575
Uncommon so-called  Jeweler's Style Cap-band
An Excellent El Zorno restoration

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: 1 ding bottom tassie Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.6cm
PRICE: $575 
COMMENTS:  A special Vac.  The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  In my personal experience,  8 years hunting these and 50+ pen shows worth of pens examined, the Senior Max pens are more common in Golden and Silver Pearl and less common in Black and in Azure Blue. Strangely enough, i've come across perhaps three this year- my best year hunting these.

Overall the pen is exceedlingly clean. Great imprint. Excellent clarity  and nice two tone effect still present on nib. Only real flaw is a ding only on the  tassie (ring at bottom of pen), which you probably can see pretty well in the larger picture link.

Pen 2195 Parker Vacumatic Major (2nd Gen). Double Jewel  $325 SOLD
Azure Blue Celluloid

Overall Grade:  Exc+
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.5cm
COMMENTS:  Superb example of  the Double Jewel Major's most scarce color

Pen 1990 Parker Vacumatic Shadow Wave Emerald Pearl 2nd Gen $295

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA Plastic:
Point:  XF Semi-Flex Imprint:  Extra Fome Size: 5 1/8"
PRICE: $295 
COMMENTS:  Star Clips likely saw production a month or so during early 1939. Believed to be a predecessor to the blue diamond, the star clip was not advertised as carrying guarantee. It appears on high line pens during first quarter 1939 and is believed to have been "blown-out" on economy line models late 1939-early 1940. This Wave fits the pattern perfectly, packing a late 1939 date code.  The pen is gorgeous and only imperfection is are few light letters at the very right of the imprint. Very clean trim.

Pen 2031 Parker Vacumatic Golden-Web. $435
Most chunky model. First Generation.  Late production piece (1940?)

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:   Nope Plastic: perfect
Point:   Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 7/8"
PRICE: $435 
COMMENTS:  The pen collectors today call Golden Web was shown in Parker's 1936-7 catalogs as the Brown Transparent econo-line models, Junior and Slender Junior. Collectors are aware of an uncatalogued third size we call "Long Slender Junior" which carries the same model number as plain ol' Slender Junior when it crops up stickered.  Webs do crop up with anomalous date codes- usually 1940- and this is one such.

This one is the Junior, proper, the fatter of the two catalogued and fattest of the three known pocket models.  Often found with cap lip cracks and with heavy brassing, this one lacks those problems. A  superb pen.

Pen 2012  Parker Vacumatic Major. Jet Black Celluloid. 3rd Gen $190  
Mint Stickered  

Overall Grade: Mint
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: MInt
Threads: perfect clarity:  Perfect Plastic:  Perfect
Point:  F Imprint:  Perfect Size: 5 1/8"
COMMENTS:  3rd Generation Vac Majors and Juniors are popular entry-to-Vacdom pens, packing decent size, nice look and affordable price all into one package. Mint stickered pens are a bit less common than the typical user pens. This one is mint unused with one of the two original stickeres still in place. Pen does not fill. Original sac can be replaced prior to shipping for $25 extra and slight delay in shipping. May not be returned if inked or dipped.
Pen 1641 Parker Vacumatic 2nd Generation "Jeweler's Style Cap-band  $215

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Threads:  perfect clarity:    VG
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $215 
COMMENTS:   The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. This one is the third size, same diameter as second size, but a bit shorter and with slightly more narrow cap-band.

This pen is pretty clean- very ncie trim. Only flaw is smidge of barrel swell down by the plunger unit. It is engraved in the cap-band's cartouche,  H.J.G

Pen 1624 Parker Vacumatic Junior (large size) 1st Generation 1934  $185 SOLD
Mottled Burgundy celluloid. "First Year"

Overall Grade: Fine
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:  min red
personal name in barrel
Point:  Medium Imprint:  VG Size: 4 7/8
PRICE: $185 
COMMENTSA clean enough usable large marbled red Vacumatic Junior. Bottom Tassie has brassing but cap really is excellent. Imprint is strong with one small scratch noted. There is some barrel transparency. ML TYNAN is stamped in barrel.

This "First Year" pen has the early style non-arrow "Parker Vacumatic" nib, a better variant.
Pen 2131 Parker Vacumatic Major  1944 $150
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation 

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity: Very Good
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm
PRICE: $150 
COMMENTS:  The pen I view as entry-to-vacdom, a relatively affordable standard-sized pen.  Nice clean specimen of the third generation Vacumatic.

Pen 2132 Parker Vacumatic Major 1945 $165
Azure Blue Celluloid. 3rd Generation. Unusual cap-variant

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    very good
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  The pen I view as entry-to-vacdom, a relatively affordable standard-sized pen.  Nice clean specimen of the third generation Vacumatic.  Azure Blue is the color with the most cachet amongst collectors, from the catalogued 3rd Generation palette. This one is a bit of an odd duck, featuring "seamed" plastic on the cap. Seamed caps and barrels crop up in late 1945-early 1946, perhaps reprenting an attempt by Parker to switch production technique. Guess it didn't take, as the look did not persist.

Pen 2129 Parker Vacumatic Major. 2nd Generation Double Jewel $245
Early 2nd Generation Features. 1937

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:   mild
Point:   Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/4"  13cm
PRICE: $245 
COMMENTS:  This is generally viewed as an "early form" of the double-jewel Major, though not the earliest, which would be those pens featuring the "Vacumatic" cap-band.  Striped double end jewels and gripping section, two tone nib and feather clip properly are found. A nice clean example.
Pen 1840 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima Pencil with "Jeweler's" Style Cap-band 1940
Golden Pearl Celluloid  $200 

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: NA
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:  NA Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $200 
COMMENTS:   The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  The Senior Maxima pen can be matched to conventional pencils or to the more scarce injector pencil (from 1939). This pencil is a standard twist-mechanism and is excellent in all respects.

Pen 1911 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima. 2nd Generation. Double Jewel 1938
Golden Pearl Celluloid  $440

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Extra Fine Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Monotone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc Later gripping section
Point:  Firm Extra Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" by 9/16"
PRICE: $440 
COMMENTS:  This 2nd Generation Double Jewel Senior Maxima has nice color, clarity and trim.  Edge brassing noted on the blind-cap tassie. The gripping section is a 1939+ Black (pen is late 1938). Nib is monotone.   Cartouche on the cap-band elegantly engraved  "G.N.". 

SOLD Pen 2150  Parker Golden Arrow Set.  $2300  SOLD
Stubby size.  Key pen for the collector of the Parker Vacumatic

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Extrafine Color:  bit barrel amber CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Fine
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 4.5"
PRICE: $2300 SOLD 
COMMENTS:  Little to say.  This is the  pen- perhaps not meant for regular sale- that preceded both the Parker Vacumatic, proper, and the Vacumatic's short run predecessor, Vacuum-Filler.  Mentioned in the August-Nov 1932 Parkergrams, this is what started it all.  Excellent imprint on pencil and close-to-excellent imprint on the pen. In my 10 years in the hobby, with more than 60 pen shows visited for 3-5 days each, i've seen about 10 total Golden Arrow pens, spread amongst the three colors, two sizes, and clip/ring variants. This set has been in my collection for years and is- remarkably enough- a duplicate. I'm trying to ease back on duplicates.

Pen 1473 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima. 3rd Gen.  1942 $395
No, it is not a Major
Overall Grade: VG- Fine Trim:  Exc Color:  Excellent CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc  ThreadsBlind cap 98% aligned  Clarity:  Excellent

Point: Fine. Two-Tone
Imprint:  Exc
Size:  5 3/8" by 9/16ths"
PRICE: $395 
COMMENTSVacumania long has been fond of Single Jewel Vac Maximas, the big fellow of the 3rd Generation. All the parts swap with earlier Double Jewel Wide-Band Sr. Maxes. The look represents Parker's consolidation of Vac style in 1942. In the USA that year  all pens became single jewel. The striped top jewel and two tone nib began to disappear from high line pens. Plastic filler pumps were intro'd... but not all at once and not all on Jan 1, per se. Most notable, the Senior Maxima, flagship of the Vac fleet, lost its wide band in favor of a Major-like cap-band.

Single Jewel Maxes are less common than Double Jewel, which surprises since they were made for a longer period of time during a more prosperous era.  One might speculate that by 1942, if one had the $10 to spring for a Max, he was more likely to spend the extra $2.50 and grab a hot new Parker 51.  So, these are less common than the earlier Maximas, but also are a bit less hot with collectors than are the early pens, so prices tend to approach but not transcend that of similar earlier DJ pens.

This one is from early 1942. Thus, it has a two tone nib- a smooth fine point-  and a chrome-fiinish metal filling pump which crops up on 1942 Maximas. A nice restored pen, it is noted that the blind cap alignment is about 98%, not 100%.  This one is for sale only because I recently picked up a complete  color set (in mint condition)  of this style pen. It says adios after spending  years in my own collection

Pen 1757 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima. 3rd Generation
Yes, a Senior Max. Oh yeah... MINT Condition*  $750

Overall Grade: MINT*
Metal: Mint Color:  Mint CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  Mint clarity:    Mint
Point:  Mint MintExc Size: 5 3/8" by 9/16"
PRICE: $750
COMMENTS:  Don't let the cap-band fool you.  This is the big boy. The last of the Senior Maximas, 1942-1947 style. Single Jewel Maxes are less common than Double Jewel, which surprises since they were made for a longer period of time during a more prosperous era, than were the double jewel pens.  This VacQuack speculates that by 1942, if one had the $10 to spring for a Max, he was more likely to spend the extra $2.50 and grab a hot Parker 51.  So, these are less common than the earlier Maximas, but also are a bit less in demand with modern collectors than are the early pens, so prices tend to approach but not transcend that of similar earlier DJ pens. All the parts can swap (regarding size) with earlier Double Jewel Wide-Band Sr. Maxes. The look represents Parker's consolidation of Vac style in 1942. In the USA, all pens became single jewel. The striped top jewel and two tone nib began to disappear from high line pens. Plastic filler pumps were intro'd... but not all at once and not all on Jan 1, per se. Most notable, the Senior Maxima, flagship of the Vac fleet, lost its wide band in favor of a Major-like cap-band.

*This one is Mint, with a near-mint feed.  Few years back i grabbed a hoard of 40 mint vacs, all without nibs or feeds, some without sections. Later, i obtained a pile of mint NOS Maxima nibs.  I fitted this pen with a near mint feed that was scrubbed eight ways from sunday to remove all traces of ink. Thus... a mint pen with near mint feed.   Jet Black Celluloid with perfect barrel clarity. Heck of a pen. May not be returned if inked or dipped.

Pen 2113 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima with "Vacumatic" cap-band $1625

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: ExtraFine Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Perfect clarity:    fine
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"  13.5cm
PRICE: $1625 
COMMENTS:    One of the dream pens for  Vac collectors, the "Vac-Band"  pens were shown on the cover of the 1937 catalog and were produced perhaps just a few weeks to couple months. 25 pens and pencil models/color were produced. Vacumania has 19 of those in the personal collection and during the last couple years has sold most of the  few duplicates. This represents nearly 10 years of hunting. The Senior Maxima of course is the largest model pen to feature this cap-band.   "47" date code shows barrel couple months younger than cap, not uncommon with these, particularly with those that were found overseas- that could be an essay itself 

This one is quite nice with very crisp cap band and some brassing only to the bottom tassie on the blind cap and to the arrow-tip of the clip.

Pen 2114 Parker Vacumatic Major $340
2nd Generation. Double Jewel. Burgundy 1940

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:    Fine
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" 13.5cm
PRICE: $340 
COMMENTS:  Burgundy Major double-jewel pens were catalogued 1937-1940, though the pen is known to have been manufactured through 1941.  This one has all correct features for its year of issue, with striped top jewel, two tone nib, black gripping section and bullseye bottom pseudojewel

Pen 2118 Parker Vacumatic Major Azure Blue 3rd Generation  $325 ON HOLD
Mint Stickered

Overall Grade: Mint
Metal: MInt Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Perfect
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm
COMMENTS:   Mint Vac in Azure Blue. Not much to say beyond that.   Sac fills with water and should hold ink. Fresh sac can be placed for $20 additional. May not be returned if inked or dipped.

Pen 2128 Parker Vacumatic Junior "first year" True Opaque Black $225

Overall Grade: Exc+
Metal: Exc+ Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    NA
Point:   Fine-Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 7/8" 12.2cm
PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  All the key features to the early Vac.  "34" date code for 3rd quarter 1934.  Short length, arrow-on-arrow clip. Pre-Arrow "Vacumatic Junior" nib.   Very crisp example.

Pen 1755 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima with vaunted "Jeweler's" style cap-band 1941
Golden Pearl Celluloid   $675 (or $825 with pencil as a set)

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Fine 2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:  Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8" by 9/16"
PRICE: $675 
COMMENTS:  A special Vac.  The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  For Senior Maxima, this style is seen in fewer than one in fifty pens.

This one is quite nice, with excellent color, imprint, clarity and trim. The two tone nib is in Fine condition as the two tone effect is light.

Pen 1937 Parker Vacumatic Senior Maxima 1940
Uncommon "Jeweler's" style cap-band  $650

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:  F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 3/8"
PRICE: $650 
COMMENTS:  A special Vac.  The so-called Jeweler's cap-band Vacs are relatively uncommon variants produced from 1939-1941. Factory original, the key finding is an extra-wide lined capband. 16 possible blue-diamond variants can be found- 4 sizes in 4 colors. Only in Nov 2006 did i finally complete this mini-collection, having tracked down the black small Debutante pen.  In my personal experience,  8 years hunting these and 50+ pen shows worth of pens examined, the Senior Max pens are more common in Golden and Silver Pearl and less common in Black and in Azure Blue. Indeed i've seen but 7 pens in jet black in this size in all that time. Strangely (and happily) enough, this is the second i've had for sale during the last year.

Pen 2130 Parker Vacumatic Standard 1935 $250
Emerald Pearl Celluloid. 1st Generation Pen

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Very good
Point:   Fine-Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8"  12.8cm
PRICE: $250 
COMMENTS:  First Generation Lockdown Vacs remain my favorite style, in general. The chunky pen with large gripping section and the early "luxury" features found in the high line models hit the spot, so to speak

Pen 2133 Parker Vacumatic Major 1945 $165
Azure Blue Celluloid. 3rd Generation.

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc
Threads:  Exc clarity:    fine
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Exc Size:5 1/8"  12.8cm
PRICE: $165 
COMMENTS:  The pen I view as entry-to-vacdom, a relatively affordable standard-sized pen.  Nice clean specimen of the third generation Vacumatic.  Azure Blue is the color with the most cachet amongst collectors, from the catalogued 3rd Generation palette. Responsive fine-medium nib, could be called Semi-Flex.

Pen 2134 Parker Vacumatic Golden Pearl 2nd Gen Major set. Early Style $265

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc*
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:   Extra Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 5/16" 12.8cm
PRICE: $265 
COMMENTS:  This is generally viewed as an "early form" of the double-jewel Major, though not the earliest, which would be those pens featuring the "Vacumatic" cap-band.  Striped double end jewels and gripping section, two tone nib and feather clip traditionally are found. This one has a extra fine nib, and it is noted that the two-tone effect on the nib essentially is gone. Excellent color and clarity. Date code on pen and nib are third quarter 1937. The pencil barrel is either a donor from earlier pencil or represented the oft-imagined, "parts sitting around the plant" as the barrel code on the pencil is 1936, a bit before the  Major-style top half of the pencil was intro'd (the bottom half of 1936 and 1937 pens are interchangeable between Standard and Major).  Clean Pencil.

Pen 2135 Parker Vacumatic Junior  1946  $225
Mint* pen. Silver Pearl Celluloid. 3rd Generation

Overall Grade: Mint*
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Perfect
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Mint Size: 5 1/8" 12.8cm
PRICE: $225 
COMMENTSThe Vacumatic  Junior is the standard sized non-lifetime-guaranteed version of the Major. This one is part of the Mint pre-New-Old-Stock hoard i'd picked up some years ago, all without nibs and feeds. Slowly, i've acquired nearmint (mint in some cases) nibs and clean feeds, and shuffled the pens over to Ron Zorn to make whole. I personally scrubbed, ultrasounded and flushed the feeds removing all traces of ink.  Silver Pearl generally is priced below most of the Vac colors, in my opinion because the  color is a bit more common than most and because the celluloid tends to amber and that white trim once worn cannot be polished up as one might do with gold-filled trim.  But, if one examines a minty pen, it is easy to see why the color is "common"... because lots of them sold back in the day... because crisp Silver Pearl pens are gorgeous... like this one.     This one DOES have a fresh sac and is fully usable, but may not be returned if inked, as  the pen itself has never met ink.

Pen 2136 Parker Vacumatic Major Emerald Pearl $225
3rd Generation. MINT*  1946

Overall Grade: Mint*
Metal: Mint Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Perfect
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Mint Size5 1/8" 12.8cm PRICE: $225 
COMMENTS:  The pen I view as entry-to-vacdom, a relatively affordable standard-sized pen.  Nice clean specimen of the third generation Vacumatic. This one is part of the Mint pre-New-Old-Stock hoard i'd picked up some years ago, all without nibs and feeds. Slowly, i've acquired nearmint (mint in some cases) nibs and clean feeds, and shuffled the pens over to Ron Zorn to make whole. I personally scrubbed, ultrasounded and flushed the feeds removing all traces of ink).    This one DOES have a fresh sac and is fully usable, but may not be returned if inked, as  the pen itself has never met ink.

Pen 2137 Parker Vacumatic Major Golden  Pearl $225
3rd Generation. MINT*  1946

Overall Grade: Mint*
Metal: Perfect Color:  Perfect CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Mint
Threads:  perfect clarity:  Perfect
Point:   Fine Imprint:  Mint Size 5 1/8" 12.8cm PRICE: $225 
COMMENTSThe pen I view as entry-to-vacdom, a relatively affordable standard-sized pen. This one is part of the Mint pre-New-Old-Stock hoard i'd picked up some years ago, all without nibs and feeds. Slowly, i've acquired nearmint (mint in some cases) nibs and clean feeds, and shuffled the pens over to Ron Zorn to make whole. I personally scrubbed, ultrasounded and flushed the feeds removing all traces of ink).   This one DOES have a fresh sac and is fully usable, but may not be returned if inked, as  the pen itself has never met ink..
Pen 1906 Parker Vacumatic scarce smooth-band Debutante 1941
Azure Blue Celluloid. 2nd Generation  $275

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Monotone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Fine
Point:  F-M Imprint:  Exc Size: 4 5/6"
PRICE: $275 
COMMENTS:  Rarely, Debutante Vacs crop up with extra-wide wholly smooth cap-bands. Conventional Wisdom (such as it is) has it that these were low run pens produced for a niche market. Go figure.  I've identified them so far in Blue, Black, Silver, and Brown, in parallel to what is seen for the Jeweler's cap-band pens. Minimal wear to plastic. Couple light pin dings to cap. Scarce Vac

Pen 1759 Parker Vacumatic Major. 2nd Generation Double Jewel 1937
Early Style in Emerald Pearl Celluloid $245

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 2-tone
Threads:  perfect clarity:    VG
Point:  Smooth Fine Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8"
PRICE: $245 
COMMENTSOne of the earliest of the Majors, a 2nd generation pen appearing in this style right after the appearance of the vaunted "Vacumatic Cap Band" pens. Featuring all the upscale features, this one has a two tone nib, striped gripping section, metal pump and striped end jewels.  Nice barrel clarity not shown well in the picture.

Pen 1738 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation
Azure Blue Celluloid. Monster Broad Flex Stub Nib.  $295

Overall Grade: Exc
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc Threads:  perfect clarity:fine

PointMonster nib. hehehehe Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $295 
COMMENTSThird generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty. 

This one has a monster nib, and a Parker story lurks somewhere within... i just don't know the story. Over the last 9 years, i've owned three pens like this- broad stub USA-made vac nibs marked 585 (for 14k). USA-made vac nibs typically are not marked for gold content. Pens meant for Europe typically carry Canadian markings (and "14k" not 585) for gold content.  Very odd. Very special nib.

Pen 1754 Parker Vacumatic Junior  2nd Generation Double Jewel 1938
The Longest Shadow-Wave. Golden Pearl Celluloid   $240

Overall Grade: Extra Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    minimal
Point:  Firm Fine-Med Imprint:  Exc Size: 5 1/8"
PRICE: $240 
COMMENTSShadow-Wave is a pattern, not a model. It appears on various econo-line models from late 1937 probably through 1943. This one is an all-correct Vacumatic Junior from 1938 the year before conventional hooped-line plastic was added to the Junior range.

This one overall is quite clean with excellent eye appeal. It has about 15% total brassing to the cap-rings (mainly just part of the top ring), which is not uncommon as those thin rings are an at-risk site.

Pen 1760 Parker Vacumatic Junior. 3rd Generation 1947
A Standard Size Pen in Azure Blue Celluloid   $155

Overall Grade: Exc+
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  perfect clarity:    Exc
Point:  Fine-Medium Imprint:  NM Size: 5"
COMMENTS:  Third generation Vacumatics are typical "First Vacumatic" for most collectors due to their availabilty and due to their ability to provide a nice sized pen for reasonable cost. The two standard sized 3rd Gen pens are Major and Junior, identical pens save for trim, subtle difference to shape of nib, original price, and status of original Parker warranty.  

This one is crisp, superb in all respects.

Pen 1917 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1946  $65

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: Exc Color:  Exc CLICK FOR LARGER PIC
Nib condition: Exc 
Threads:  slight blind cap gap clarity:    Exc
Point:   Medium Imprint:  Exc Size: 5"
PRICE: $65 
COMMENTSA basic  working Vacumatic. Third generation Major offers nice entry to the hobby. Decent size pen for reasonable green.  At its last restoration a paper thing gap remained where blind cap meets barrel.

Pen 1922 Parker Vacumatic Major. 3rd Generation 1945
"Stacked Coin Cap-band"  $140

Overall Grade: Fine
Metal: VG Color:  Exc CLICK